HomeHealth articlestachycardiaWhat Are the Home Remedies for Tachycardia?

Treat Tachycardia (Increased Heart Rate) with Home Remedies!!

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Treat Tachycardia (Increased Heart Rate) with Home Remedies!!

5 min read


Tachycardia is the medical term for increased heart rate above the normal limit. The below article discusses some home remedies to manage heart palpitations.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Preetha. J

Published At April 12, 2017
Reviewed AtAugust 3, 2023

What Is Tachycardia?

Tachycardia is the medical term for a heart rate above 100 beats per minute. Various forms of irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias) can cause tachycardia. A fast heart rate is not a matter of concern. It can typically rise due to various factors such as workout, dehydration, illness, or a stress reaction. Tachycardia may not lead to any complications. But if left untreated, some types of tachycardia can cause serious medical problems, such as stroke, sudden cardiac death, or heart failure. Tachycardia lasts for seconds and may not need special medical treatment beyond lifestyle changes. Certain at-home techniques or treating the underlying condition may be effective in stopping tachycardia. However, if the sensation persists longer than a few seconds, a person should speak to a healthcare professional. It may be due to an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.

What Are the Causes of Tachycardia?

The most common cause of tachycardia is stimulation of the heart by the sympathetic nerves, increased body temperature by fever, and toxic conditions of the heart. Here are the things that can cause increased heart rate:

  • Increase in Body Temperature: 18 to 20 beats per degree Celsius increases when body temperature reaches about 40.5 degrees Celsius. Above this temperature, heart rate decreases because the heart cannot pump. The increase in the heart rate is because the increased body temperature may further maximize the rate of metabolism of the body and the sinoatrial (SA) node. The heart's pacemaker is responsible for the production of the heartbeat, and it is situated on the right side of the heart in the right atria). Therefore, this increased rate has a direct link to excitability and the rate of the rhythm of the heart rate.

  • Sympathetic Tone: Factors such as hemorrhage (bleeding) or shock may increase the heart's sympathetic activity (stimulation to increase the heart pumping). When a patient has lost blood, the sympathetic activity of the heart rises to compensate for the oxygen demand. That time heart rate goes beyond 100 to 150 beats per minute.

  • Toxic Condition of the Heart: When the heart becomes weak to pump blood due to any abnormalities of the heart, sympathetic activity will increase the heart rate, rhythm, and force of contraction.

  • Other Causes Associated With Tachycardia Include:

    • High levels of caffeine intake.

    • Heavy alcoholism or alcohol withdrawal.

    • High or low blood pressure.

    • Medication side effects.

    • Electrolyte (substances in the blood and other body fluids) imbalances such as potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium.

    • Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).

    • Anemia.

    • Smoking.

    • Use of illegal drugs, including stimulants like cocaine or methamphetamine.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Tachycardia?

Common tachycardia signs and symptoms include:

  • A sensation of a palpitation (strong and irregular pulse which is palpated on the chest).

  • Chest pain.

  • Fainting (syncope).

  • Shortness of breath.

  • Rapid pulse rate.

  • Lightheadedness.

  • Sometimes people with tachycardia have no symptoms. However, the condition may get detected when a physical examination or heart tests are done for other reasons.

What Are the Complications Associated With Increased Heart Rate?

Some people with tachycardia are at a greater risk of developing a blood clot that can cause a stroke or heart attack. The health care professional may prescribe blood-thinning drugs to help lower the risk. Other possible complications of tachycardia include:

  • Frequent fainting or unconsciousness.

  • Heart failure.

  • Sudden death.

  • Shock.

What Are the Home Remedies for Tachycardia?

Following remedies are used to decrease or stop tachycardia and other heart abnormalities such as arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm).

  • Use Cold Water or Cold Packs - A person should wash their forehead with cold water or do a fast rubbing of ice packs on the forehead, face, and neck. Ice rubbing increases the stimulation of the vagus nerve of the heart. Vagal nerve supplies to the heart's sinoatrial node, which is responsible for the production of the heartbeat. Vagal tone always decreases the activities of the heart and rhythm of contraction. Five minutes is necessary for fast recovery.

  • Eat More Bananas - Bananas contain a large amount of potassium. Banana is one of the best sources of potassium supplements. Potassium is an electrolyte known for reducing heart rate because it decreases the excitability of the cardiac muscle tissue. Banana contains 400 to 500 mg of potassium which can fulfill 11 % to 12 % of daily requirements. Sodium is less in bananas, approximately less than 1 mg. Sodium is the main element for stimulating cardiac fiber responsible for the generation of heart rate. Therefore, taking three bananas daily is necessary to reduce the heart rate.

  • Eat Raisins - The use of raisins in the diet provides lots of energy and is also high in potassium. It contains over 1000 mg of potassium, which almost fulfills the daily requirements for potassium, and low (less than 60 mg) sodium. Therefore, taking 20 to 30 grams of raisins per day is necessary for a good healthy heart.

  • Hawthorn - It is also referred to as Crataegus laevigata. It is mainly used for lowering the heart rate. It improves the pumping action of the heart, dilatation of blood vessels, and increases the conduction of nerve transmission. In addition, due to the widening of the blood vessels, the load on the heart is decreased, reducing blood pressure and heart rate.

  • Furthermore, it lowers the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood and the low-density lipoprotein (LDL). So, it decreases the blood's viscosity and workload on the heart. It works by increasing the excretion of bile, decreasing cholesterol production, and by antioxidant activity.

  • Dosage - Doses of 160 mg to 1800 mg divided and taken in 2 doses daily until the heart rate returns to normal.

  • Valerian - is a herb used to lower the pulse rate. It depresses the sympathetic tone and increases the vagal tone, which is responsible for lowering the heart rate. Dose - 300 mg to 600 mg depending upon the severity of symptoms, 2 hours before bedtime for seven days.

  • Relaxation Techniques - Mental and physical relaxation is essential to reducing heart rate. Emotional crises such as anxiety, anger, and comprehension cause the release of adrenaline and catecholamine hormones. These hormones are responsible for tachycardia. The relaxation technique prevents the release of these hormones. Relaxation techniques are:

    • Yoga (concentrate on breathing in and breathing out).

    • Meditation.

    • Biofeedback (meditation through positive visual feedback).

    • Deep breathing techniques.

    • About 30 minutes of relaxation sessions per day lowers the heart rate.

    • Aromatherapy with essential oils also provides mental relaxation.

  • Reduce Stimulant Intake - Tachycardia becomes noticeable after using a stimulant. However, not all stimulants cause tachycardia in everyone. Stimulants are present in the following:

    • Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea.

    • Tobacco products.

    • Certain illegal drugs.

    • Some cold and cough medications.

    • Appetite suppressants..

  • Reduce Stress Levels - Stress and increased heart rate often go hand-in-hand. Therefore, reducing the stress levels as much as possible can help reduce the heart rate. It can also decrease the risk of high blood pressure and other stress-related health problems. There are several effective strategies for reducing stress, which include:

    • Trying deep breathing.

    • Practicing mindfulness.

    • Watching caffeine intake.

    • Exercising daily.

  • Limit Alcohol Use - Although drinking in moderation does not cause health problems. But some research studies indicate that even having alcoholic drinks daily can raise the risk of developing atrial fibrillation, and tachycardia is one of the symptoms of this condition.


Tachycardia is common, and it usually lasts for a few seconds. An increased heart rate may not need special medical treatment beyond lifestyle changes. However, certain home-based remedies can help manage tachycardia and reduce its occurrence. A person should talk to a doctor if the tachycardia symptoms last longer than a few seconds. In such cases, the person may have an underlying health condition that requires treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Is tachycardia?

Tachycardia or tachyarrhythmia is when the resting heart rate is higher than 100 beats per minute. It is a symptom of many underlying health conditions. Some of the common conditions that can cause tachycardia are congenital heart problems, alcoholism, electrolyte imbalance, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, and lung disease.


What Is supraventricular tachycardia?

Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is a group of heart rhythm problems that arise from above the ventricles and result in rapid heartbeats. The types are atrial tachycardia and atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia (AVNRT).


What Is ventricular tachycardia?

Ventricular tachycardia is a heart rhythm problem, which arises from the ventricles (lower chamber of the heart). It results in pulse rate more than 100 beats per minute at rest.


How Do you treat tachycardia?

Tachycardia is treated by treating the underlying condition and bringing the heart rate back to normal. This can be done by vagal maneuvers, anti-arrhythmic medications, and cardioversion.


What Heart rate is considered tachycardia?

Heart rate above 100 beats per minute is considered tachycardia.


Can Tachycardia be cured by exercise?

Avoid strenuous exercises, as it can further increase your heart rate. But a normal exercise routine and yoga is found to beneficial for heart health. If you have tachycardia, consult your doctor before doing exercise.


How Long does tachycardia last?

Depending on the cause, tachycardia can last from some minutes to hours. Get immediate medical attention if you do not feel better after taking some rest.


Can Tachycardia go away by itself?

Treating the underlying condition usually treats tachycardia. You should feel better with medications, rest, or with some therapies.


Does Stress cause tachycardia?

Excessive stress and anxiety can cause tachycardia. Such patients should consider psychiatric counseling and anti-anxiety medications.


How Is tachycardia diagnosed?

Tests used to diagnose the cause of tachycardia are electrocardiogram (ECG), portable ECG devices like Holter monitor and event monitor, electrophysiological test, echocardiogram, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT) scan, coronary angiogram, chest x-ray, stress test, and tilt table test.
Talati Vidhi Hareshbhai
Talati Vidhi Hareshbhai



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