Medical Case: Child calorie requirement

Child calorie requirement (Dietician)



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Hello doctors,
How to calculate daily calorie intake of children?



    Dr. Arvind Guru
    General Surgeon

    It is not very clear what you actually wanna know, kindly discuss the issue being faced elaborately.
    I think what you mean is how to suggest a diet plan to a child.

    Age & gender of the child ? Is the child malnourished ? or underweight or obese ? Where does (s)he fall in the growth curves ?

    12.Apr, 11:23am

    Dr. Aftab Anwar

    Hi, Kumari. Dr. Guru is right. Caloric intake varies with age, health status, gender and activity. But here is basic model for daily calorie requirement in children according to weight.
    0?3 kg 120kcal/kg
    3?10 kg 100kcal/kg
    each kg from 11?20 1000 + 50 kcal/kg
    each kg > 20 1500 + 20 kcal/kg

    ▲ 2
    12.Apr, 12:38pm

    Dr. Vandana Andrews
    General Practitioner

    Hi agree with Dr Aftab.

    14.Apr, 03:44pm

    Theivakumar. R.

    First give him continuous static pelvic traction for 3 days and complete bed rest,with help of a physio therapist.It will release compression due to disc budge,then go for strengthening of LS region.

    27.Apr, 11:34am

    Dr. Kulkarni Shilpa Prakash
    Ayurveda Specialist

    You can use following calculator as guideline but make sure to use clinical judgment before prescribing diet and supplement.

    02.May, 11:48am

    Durga Kumari

    Thanku all and adr Shilpa ,but i want manual formula,hope you will mention.

    11.May, 12:41pm

    Amritha Sankar

    Hi Dr kumari,
    Toddlers between the ages of 1 and 2 need about 45 calories per pound of body weight each day, which usually translates into something in the range of 1,000 to 1,400 calories per day. Since children this age have relatively small stomachs, this should be split between three meals and two or three snacks.
    Three-year-old children also need about 45 calories per pound of body weight, which is between 1,000 and 1,400 calories per day. However, 4-year-old children aren't growing quite as quickly, so they only need about 41 calories per pound of body weight, or about 1,200 to 2,000 calories per day. Preschoolers can be quite picky and easily distracted, so it may take longer for them to eat and it may take a bit of coaxing to get them to eat a healthy mix of foods.
    School-age Children
    School-age children need about 1,600 to 2,500 calories per day. Children between the ages of 5 and 6 need 41 calories per pound of body weight, and those between 7 and 11 need 32 calories per pound. Don't worry too much about your child not eating enough, since children this age usually eat when they are hungry. Serve healthy foods and encourage your child not to eat too many calories if they start to gain extra weight.
    The calorie ranges are just general guidelines, since calorie needs vary a lot based on size, activity level and whether or not kids have been sick recently. Calories aren't the only thing you need to be aware of if you want your child to be healthy. You also need to make sure you child is eating a mix of foods from all of the food groups and getting plenty of exercise.

    18.May, 12:37pm

    Durga Kumari

    Thank you dr

    26.Jul, 09:56am

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