Answered by Dr. Krishna Somani

Answered by Dr. Krishna Somani

CKD patient with high phosphorus content. Is dialysis required now?

Hello doctor,

My father is suffering from CKD (chronic kidney disease) for the past one year. His creatinine level is 11.05 mg/dl, urea is 144 mg/dl and uric acid is 5.10 mg/dl. He has no swelling or breathlessness, but his phosphorus content is high 5.80. We have not started the dialysis at the moment. Could you please guide the right way of treatment? He is on Insulin, but his fasting sugar is 59 and hemoglobin is 8.90 at the moment. Urine output is equal to input. His current medicines are these Minipress 0.25 mg, Moxovas, Zyloric and Arkamin. He is having constipation problem. I have attached his reports for your reference. Please help.

14 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Is it normal for protein to fluctuate in IgA neuropathy?

Hi doctor,

I was diagnosed with early IgA nephropathy, about five years ago, and I am on medication. Protein and blood are present in the urine, and their levels have varied over time, ranging from traces to ++. My recent urine analysis showed protein (+), erythrocytes (++), RBC (8-10 /HPF), creatinine (1.2 mg/dL), and eGFR (67). Does the fluctuating levels of protein and blood, present in the urine sample considered normal, given that I have been diagnosed with early IgA and undergoing medication? My concern is that the levels tend to fluctuate with every test (which is usually conducted at six monthly intervals). Your advice and views are appreciated.

30 Apr 2024 - 1 min read

Is surgery needed for bilateral fetal hydronephrosis?

Hello doctor,

This query is about my 19 weeks pregnant sister-in-law. She had a USG today and found bilateral moderate fetal hydronephrosis. Her gynecologist told her that the kid will require surgery after delivery. Can you please check the report and explain the situation? Is surgery required? If so, what is the outlook of surgery? Can this be life threatening for the kid after birth?

Thank you.

25 Apr 2024 - 1 min read

Does lower back pain indicate kidney failure?

Hello doctor,

I have pain on the right side of my back, and I have a fever of 100 F. I do not have shortness of breath, and my urine output is fine. I get shoulder pain when I breathe deeply, and I feel tired. I got a blood test yesterday, and my neutrophils are 9.68, lymphocytes are 13.10, total leukocyte count is 12.80, MCH is 32.10, RBC count is 4.34, chloride is 97, creatinine is 1.42, albumin is 4.72, total protein is 8.70, bilirubin total is 0.69, bilirubin direct is 0.15, bilirubin indirect is 0.54, LDL cholesterol is 104, HDL is 32.30, and non-HDL is 130.70. I currently take Envas 5, Amdepin 10, and Dytor plus 10.

22 Apr 2024 - 1 min read

What diet can a chronic kidney disease patient follow?

Hello doctor,

I am a 67-year-old male with a weight 143 lbs and height of 171 cm. I have been suffering from chronic kidney disease and post PTCA care for 17 years. I was diagnosed 15 months back with serum creatinine to be around 5 and am on medications for 15 months. I am a non-diabetic. In the last 15 months, I have lost 30 lbs. Monthly renal lab tests are being done. Six months ago, my serum creatinine was 4.4, hemoglobin was 12.9, uric acid 3.7.

I want to know about my diet. I am a non-vegetarian. Presently I am taking 50 to 60 g of chicken or one egg white or two small pieces of fish thrice a week. I am on restricted use of pulses, tamarind, lemons, milk products, fruits in any form, limited to one liter of water per day, very less salt, no cool drinks, outside food, spices, sweets. I am hungry all the day. My urine output is 1500 mL per day. Protein is 2+.

Please advise me the suitable diet particularly non-veg. I am at present on rice in lunch and rice items for both breakfast and dinner with vegetables like capsicum, bottle guard, ladies finger, cauliflower, carrot, and cabbage. I do not take chilies. How can I improve the quality of life and eating? I am able to walk slowly for 30 minutes daily. I am not able to stand in a queue for not more than five minutes. If I sit for five minutes I am alright.

I am on the following medicines:

  • Tablet KetoCheck two tablet three times daily.
  • Tablet Sevanix 400 mg three times daily.
  • Tablet Nocidos 500 mg three times daily.
  • Tablet Celerab 20 one daily.
  • Capsule Nephrovit-Fe one daily.
  • Capsule Lobun Forte one daily.
  • Capsule Calci CZ one daily.
  • Tablet Febuget 40 mg once daily.
  • Met XL 50 mg once daily.
  • Clopilet 75 mg once daily.

I have also enclosed recent lab reports for your reference. Please advise.

16 Feb 2024 - 1 min read

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