Answered by Dr. Sumit Chawla

Answered by Dr. Sumit Chawla

Calf pain after walking, hurts when stretching. Help?

Hi doctor,

I just came back from a day walking around the mall. I am having cramping pain in my left calf. It feels like a rubber band is wrapped around my leg. It is better when sitting but hurts when outstretched. I am on Enbrel and previous medical history includes low blood pressure and low cholesterol. My recent blood work is normal and only a little thing off was anion gap.

29 May 2024 - 1 min read

Can Achilles' tendon weakness make a person fall often?

Hi doctor,

I have a question for my mother. My mother is 50 years old. She complains of an episodic, sudden loss of weight-bearing ability on the left Achilles tendon. This has resulted in two major falls, which resulted in trauma. These are present for the past few months and have become more frequent in the last month. She also has pain in her knees bilaterally, which has been attributed to osteoarthritis. She also complains of hip pain associated with swelling and difficulty in standing, lying, and changing sides while sleeping. There is episodic stiffness present in the shoulders, which causes some discomfort in raising arms above the shoulder level. She is taking Bisoprolol 5 mg and Amlodipine 5 mg for high BP and it is well-controlled. She has no history of any allergies. She has kidney stones and so occasional pain in the lumbar area. She used to get constipation frequently. She was hospitalized four times for normal vaginal deliveries and once for abortion. She is monogamous with her husband. She has a positive family history of hypertension in her mother, CAD in her father, mother, and brother, and uterine cancer in her mother. She has a history of menorrhagia and cycles have become more irregular now. Then, diagnostics D and C were performed last year, which was normal. She will not smoke or drink. She sleeps four to six hours daily and snores at night.

28 May 2024 - 1 min read

How severe is curvature of mild scoliosis in X-ray report?

Hello doctor,

I am a 30-year-old male. I was diagnosed with minor scoliosis. I have attached my X-ray results. I would like to know how bad is that. I only get occasional pain after standing for too long or lifting heavy stuff. Can you tell how much the curvature is? Is this something I need to worry about? I am currently in physical therapy.

21 May 2024 - 1 min read

What are medicines for ankylosing spondylitis stiffness?

Hi doctor,

I have been diagnosed to have ankylosing spondylitis approximately 2 years back. I also had psoriasis, probably due to the same and it is chronic. Of late, there is extreme pain and even more stiffness, especially during the morning. It is no more tolerable and hence I am writing this. I am not taking any medication and I am using a waist orthopedic belt while driving a two wheeler, etc. How to proceed in this situation? What medication should I use for extreme pain and stiffness, especially during the morning and whenever I take rest? Can it cause permanent disability in the future as this almost makes me motionless in the mornings? Which specialist should I contact and can this be cured? I travel a lot on bumpy roads in two-wheeler. Will it make my condition worse? I also have red eyes and irregular bowel movements. Are they related to this issue? I had very high levels of C-reactive proteins in my blood a year ago in a random comprehensive blood test. Is there any link with this disease? Please advise.

21 May 2024 - 1 min read

How long will it take a fracture to heal and work properly?

Hi doctor,

Three months ago, I fractured my left clavicle. The bones were displaced and the doctors advised to heal it conservatively. They used a sling and the figure of 8 braces for six weeks for the same. No retraction for alignment or surgery was performed. It has been three months and still, I have slight pain in the joint. There is an obvious bump. In X-rays, it still looks like a fractured bone with no joint in between. It pains to lift the hand sideways and while lifting weights. I am a pilot. I need this fracture to heal perfectly and the full functioning of the shoulder also has to be restored to start flying. How long will it take?

16 May 2024 - 1 min read

Dr. Sumit Chawla
Orthopedician And Traumatology
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