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About "Metabolic Surgery"

Surgeries done to achieve weight loss and to treat metabolic syndrome are called metabolic surgeries. A metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that increase a person’s chances of getting heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Some of the surgeries performed are gastric bypass, biliopancreatic diversion, duodenojejunal bypass surgery, and ileal interposition.

The metabolic risk factors that determine if you have metabolic syndrome are:

  • Excess fat in the abdominal region is the most critical risk factor for heart diseases.
  • High levels of triglycerides.
  • Low HDL “good” cholesterol.
  • High blood pressure.
  • High fasting blood sugar.

Metabolic surgeries are widely used to treat obesity and type 2 diabetes. The gastric bypass and biliopancreatic diversion surgeries are performed on an obese patient to control or cure diabetes. Duodenojejunal bypass and ileal interposition surgeries are done in non-obese patients with diabetes. Due to the high success rate of such operations, it is being considered as the most effective and permanent way to lose weight and control metabolic diseases. Surgeons who perform such surgeries are called bariatric surgeons.

If you are trying to lose weight by other conventional methods and are still unsuccessful, it is best you consult a doctor to ask about metabolic surgery and if it will be useful in your case. With the help of online healthcare platforms, it has become effortless to consult professionally trained bariatric surgeons online. You can talk to doctors through real-time video consultation from the confines of your home.

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How it Works?

  • Your health issue will be shared across with our metabolic surgery panel.
  • A metabolic surgery will pick your query and send medical advice to your health issue subsequently.
  • You can then follow up with the same metabolic surgery.