HomeHealth articlesyogaWhat Are the Yoga Positions Recommended for Infants and Toddlers?

Yoga Poses for Infants and Toddlers

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Yoga poses help everyone get a healthy body and mind and this article discusses some yoga poses that are specific to children.

Written by

Dr. Saranya. P

Medically reviewed by

Shakti Mishra

Published At June 9, 2023
Reviewed AtJune 9, 2023


Many people start practicing yoga to relax or expand their aching muscles. Yoga may help people both focus on their bodies and the present moment, so it can also be a terrific practice for moms to do with their kids. Moreover, yoga can assist young children to become more aware of their bodies while also enhancing their strength, balance, and even focus. Consider utilizing these simple poses that practically every toddler can execute if looking for a great way to get the little yogi off to a great start.

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Young practitioners can quickly learn this simple stance just by observing someone, and it does not call for a lot of bending, so it is ideal for them. The youngster can simply stand up straight, place their big toes together (but heels and ankles slightly apart), and raise their arms overhead or to the sides. In addition to strengthening their leg, lower back, thigh, knee, and ankle muscles, the mountain pose can aid the child with posture and spinal alignment.

  • Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): This stance is especially intriguing to many toddlers because it calls for some balance and feels like fun to accomplish. The tree posture can also be readily adapted, and the child can try it while lying down on their mat, leaning their back against a wall, or keeping their other toes on the ground for support. In addition to stretching the child's thighs, torso, and shoulders, the tree posture helps young children develop balance and leg strength.

  • Table Pose (Bharmanasana): Even infants as young as two can perform the table posture with ease, making it one of the simplest beginner poses for anyone to master. The child should be on their hands and knees with their back straight, their knees should be at shoulder width apart, their feet should be in line with their knees, and their palms should be placed precisely beneath their shoulders. In addition to realigning the spine, this pose lays the foundation for several others. In fact, because all of these poses need someone to be on all fours, parents and their children can alternate between them for added variety.

  • Child’s Pose (Balasana): Between some of the more challenging postures in a yoga session, toddlers can take a brief, focused break in a child's pose. The children should sit back on their heels and slowly lower their forehead toward their knees to strike this stance. Once seated, they can simply place their arms next to their bodies. The child's position not only gives the body a respite during a yoga session, but it also gently extends the hips and thighs. It can also be a wonderful pose for the kids to just relax and unwind.

  • Warrior-Two Posture (Virabhadrasana II): What little child does not enjoy practicing a yoga stance that gives them a sense of ferocity and strength? The aptly called “warrior” II pose will most certainly accomplish that. Have the child first rest in a standing position before attempting this pose. After then, instruct them to take a step back and rotate their foot so that their toes point slightly outside. The youngster will bend their front knee and raise their arms until they are parallel to the floor. This pose helps the kid stretch and strengthen their legs and ankles while also boosting stamina.

  • Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Similar to the mountain pose, the downward-facing dog stance (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is simple for young children to observe and then imitate because it is a very well-defined pose. To perform this pose, one essentially instructs the child to lie down on their hands and feet, raise their butt in the air, and form a V with their body. While most young children enjoy this stance because it allows them to see the world upside down, there are more advantages besides just making them laugh. This position helps the kid build stronger hands, wrists, hamstrings, and calves. Moreover, this position strengthens the back and shoulders while reducing back pain.

  • Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana): It simply makes sense to include it in a young toddler's basic yoga regimen as the majority of babies spend a lot of time in this position. There is not much to say about this pose; simply just instruct the child to lie on their back and hold their feet. The hips and lower back are the main areas where this pose benefits, but it also eases lower back stress. Also, it is a relaxing pose and an excellent way to finish a yoga practice.

  • Butterfly Pose (Badhakonasana): The Butterfly Pose and occasionally the Cobbler Pose are two names for Badhakonasana. It is one of the "must-do" yoga asanas for a beginner because it is easy to practice and very effective. This yoga pose helps in increasing flexibility in the hip and groin area, stretches the knees, groins, and inner and outer thighs, and strengthens the lower back, abdomen, hips, and legs.

  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): A peaceful yoga practice for children, Bridge Pose stretches the chest, neck, and back while helping with stress reduction. It also strengthens the back and legs.

What Are the Factors to Consider When Practicing Yoga With Children?

Children's yoga positions frequently imitate the natural environment and can be interpreted in several ways. When doing yoga with the kids, keep the following points in mind:

  • Feel free to modify or change the yoga positions to meet your specific needs.

  • Instead of practicing perfectly aligned positions, emphasis should be placed on enjoying onself while moving.

  • Encouraging kids to get involved and pursue their hobbies and passions as well.

  • Creating genuine, significant experiences.

  • Attending to their varying energy levels and learning preferences.

  • Enjoy oneself and being creative, but being careful to be safe.

  • Dress comfortably and go barefoot when practicing.

  • Using games that involves yoga to get the kids interested in learning the poses.

What Are the Benefits of Yoga in Children?

Kids who practice yoga benefit from a variety of advantages, including stress reduction, coping mechanisms, and mindfulness.

  • Yoga Keeps Children Present: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of the first yogic scriptures, defines yoga as the cessation of mental oscillations. Yoga can thereby reduce mental chatter. Breathing exercises that help youngsters stay present in their bodies are frequently incorporated into kids' yoga poses in children's yoga sessions. Even toddlers and young children can use this to calm their rushing minds.

  • Yoga Reduces Stress in Kids: Children and teenagers who practice yoga can relax and let go. Also, by including breathing exercises, children learn to unwind and let go of stored stress and anxiety. Kids can, for instance, engage in theme-based yoga, such as "A Journey to the Rainforest." During exhaling, they can be allowed to make animal noises, to make it fun and engaging. Similarly, if the yoga lesson's focus is "Planting a Garden," the kids can exhale with a buzzing bee sound. This method of breathing instruction for children helps to engage them and make it a fun activity for them. In the end, this helps to lessen anxiety.

  • Yoga Cultivates Mindfulness in Children: The most effective way to teach youngsters mindfulness is frequently through yoga. If the idea of mindfulness is new, the following a explanation can be helpful: Being mindful is a specific form for paying attention. It entails being mindful of the time at hand as well as adopting a compassionate attitude of acceptance and non-judgment toward every experience.


Yoga is a system of physical and mental exercise. Yoga means "unity" in India's ancient Sanskrit language. People seek unification through posture (body position), breathing, and meditation (mental exercises). Hatha yoga is the style of yoga that is most widely practiced. If children practice yoga, they will get to experience a lot of advantages and they will enjoy every asana since the asanas for kids mimic natural surroundings.

Frequently Asked Questions


At What Age Can Babies Start Their Yoga Journey?

At six weeks, they can start their yoga journey. During the first three months of a newborn's life, one can introduce gentle arm stretches, helping with relaxation and strength gain. One can introduce simple stretches and rotations in the baby's routine between three and six months. Once the baby reaches 6 to 12 months, playful yoga sessions can become a delightful part of their daily activities.


What Are the Advantages of Introducing Yoga to Young Children?

Initiating yoga for young children to their physical growth, enhancing flexibility, strength, and balance. It aids in stress reduction by promoting mindfulness and relaxation, facilitating a sense of tranquility. Furthermore, yoga nurtures self-awareness, fosters deeper connections, and improves sleep quality, ensuring a restful night's rest for children. Yoga's benefits extend to mental development, sharpening focus, and stimulating cognitive growth.


How Can One Make Yoga Appealing to the Child?

Infusing fun into yoga for children can involve crafting imaginative tales, like embarking on an adventure in the jungle. Transforming it into a spirited yoga session can include interactive games and playful activities. Utilizing vibrant mats and cuddly toys can add a delightful touch to the experience. Engaging music can become a delightful accompaniment, elevating the joy of yoga. Sharing the practice with friends can create a sense of togetherness and camaraderie.


Which Type of Yoga Is Suitable for Newborns?

When practicing yoga with newborns, it is crucial to approach it with gentleness and utmost care. Some gentle yoga exercises for newborns include the knee-to-chest pose, where you lay the baby on their back and carefully bring their knees toward their chest, holding for a few seconds. Another nurturing practice is baby massage, involving gentle stroking and rubbing to provide comfort and bonding. Incorporating tummy time into the routine can promote flexibility, relaxation, and the development of strong neck muscles in the newborn.


What Is the Recommended Structure for a Kids Yoga Class?

To effectively engage children, a thoughtfully organized class is essential. This begins with a warm and inviting welcome, properly introducing the session. Promoting mindfulness is key, achieved through short meditation and deep breathing exercises. Yoga poses are introduced with a dash of storytelling, making the experience educational and entertaining. The inclusion of games and challenges adds an element of playfulness and adventure to the session.


How Can One Engage Toddlers in Yoga Practice?

Infusing yoga with play elements, weaving imaginative stories, and immersing children in the world of animals. Implementing uncomplicated poses like the butterfly, cobra, or cat-cow poses makes the practice more accessible and engaging. Including stuffed animals and soft toys can add an extra layer of comfort and fun. To keep things lively, incorporating rhythmic songs or beats during the yoga sessions can elevate the experience. Using vibrant mats and keeping the yoga sessions short and sweet ensures that children stay captivated and enthusiastic.


Do Children Generally Find Yoga Enjoyable?

Making yoga enjoyable for children often hinges on fitting it into a fun, age-appropriate manner, but it is important to remember that every child is unique, and their level of enjoyment may differ. Younger children tend to gravitate towards playful yoga. At the same time, older kids often prefer structured yoga, and mindful practices in themes and games can enhance enjoyment, making the experience more engaging for the children. Group activities can foster cooperation among the children, creating a sense of togetherness and shared goals.


What Advantages Can Be Derived From Different Yoga Poses?

Various yoga poses offer a range of benefits, including enhanced flexibility and increased strength. Poses like the tree pose (Vrksasana), and warrior III (Virabhadrasana III) are particularly effective for improving balance and coordination. Yoga is renowned for its stress and anxiety-reduction benefits, providing a sense of calm and relaxation. It is also known to alleviate discomfort in the back and neck, promoting overall spinal improvement, improving digestion, and ensuring a healthier gut. Above all, it enhances mindfulness, enabling individuals to be more present and attuned to the moment.


Explain the Elephant Pose in Yoga

A classic animal-inspired yoga pose that boosts strength. Here is how to do it:
- Begin seated with a straight spine.
- Lift your right leg, cradling it with your arms, keeping it parallel to the floor.
- Gently rock your right leg to release tension in the hip.
- Thread your right arm under your right knee and place your hand outside your right buttock.
- Use your left hand to draw your right calf closer to your right shoulder.
- Extend your left leg in front of you.
- Lift your buttocks and left leg off the floor, using your hands for support.
- Hold for several breaths.
- Lower your buttocks to the ground.
- Return to the initial seated position.
- Rest for at least five breaths before switching sides.


What Is the Symbolic Meaning of the Elephant in the Context of Yoga?

Elephants are revered creatures, highly esteemed for their symbolic representation of strength. They are gentle and calm by nature, holding a special place in various cultures as symbols of wisdom. One of their most remarkable traits is their exceptional memory.


What Is the Term for Yoga Practices That Enhance Mental Clarity?

Super brain yoga, an age-old Indian tradition previously referred to as Thoppukaranam, is thought to be a technique that yields cognitive benefits. This practice is believed to provide numerous benefits, including boosting memory and concentration, reducing stress levels, and fostering increased intelligence and creativity. The essence of super brain yoga lies in a straightforward squatting exercise.


Which Yoga Exercises Are Effective for Clearing the Mind?

Yoga encompasses a variety of techniques that prove highly effective for mental clarity. These methods include: 
- Meditation (Dhyana): By comfortably seating oneself and directing the mind's focus to a specific point. 
- Deep Breathing (Pranayama): Through controlled breathing exercises, Pranayama assists in calming the mind.
- Child’s Pose called (Balasana): Helps to alleviate stress and combat mental fatigue. 
- Corpse Pose (Savfully relaxed one's back fully relaxed, Savasana allows the mind to achieve stillness and provides children with mental clarity.


How Do Child’s Pose Push-Ups Benefit Practitioners?

Child's Pose push-ups are designed to hone your upper body muscles, fostering increased strength. Integrating this unique fusion of bolsters physical prowess not only bolsters physical prowess but also deepens body connection. This combination provides stretching and relaxation and contributes to enhanced flexibility. Moreover, it cultivates your capacity to remain present and focused throughout your workout sessions.


What Advantages Come With Performing the Wide-Knee Child’s Pose?

The wide-knee child's pose, alternatively named Prasarita Balasana, offers many advantages, such as providing a deep stretch for the hips, thighs, and ankles and enhancing flexibility. This pose gently unfurls the hips and eases tension in pelvic muscles. It aids in alleviating stress and fatigue. Additionally, it supports digestion by assisting in eliminating waste from the body.
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Shakti Mishra
Shakti Mishra



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