Medical Case: Stem cell banking

Stem cell banking (Medical oncology)

Dr. Sheena M Varghese., BAMS


Medical Case Details:

Hello dear Doctors

I have come across stem cell banking n its efficacy in treating several health issues . Quite frankly I haven’t met anyone personally who has used it . I wanted to know whether it’s really helpful at the time of need n the procedure involved is complicated to revive at need ?

Thanks in advance



    Dr. Gohel Harshul Maheshbhai
    General Practitioner

    Yes it is really helpful almost.
    If HLA is completely matched.

    13.Jul, 04:14pm

    Dr. Sheena M Varghese
    Ayurveda Specialist

    Thanks doc

    13.Jul, 04:44pm

    Dr. Gohel Harshul Maheshbhai
    General Practitioner

    I find 3 successful, 1 worsened then managed perfectly and 1 failed case within Last 6 months.

    13.Jul, 04:48pm

    Dr. Sheena M Varghese
    Ayurveda Specialist

    Okay I understand. Thanq for sharing ur experience.

    13.Jul, 05:14pm

    Dr. Amit Kyal
    Obstetrician And Gynecologist

    I from Gynaecologist perspective giving you a brief recommendations regarding umbilical cord blood banking :

    Umbilical cord blood banking ( ACOG & IAP recommendations):

    1) Umbilical cord blood transplantation has been used to treat malignant disorders, hematological conditions, immune deficiency disorders &inherited metabolic disorders.

    2)Public cord blood banking should be promoted over private banking.

    3) All should consider the social benefit of public umbilical cord blood donation to increase the availability of matched cord blood units for people of all backgrounds

    4)Umbilical cord blood collected from a neonate cannot be used to treat a genetic disease or
    malignancy in that same individual (autologous transplant ) because stored cord blood contains the same genetic variant or premalignant cells that led to the condition being treated.

    5) The routine collection and storage of umbilical cord blood with a private cord blood bank is not supported by the available evidence.

    6) Private cord blood banking is only recommended when an existing family member (sibling or biological parent) is suffering from diseases approved to be cured by allogenic stem cell transplantation.

    7)Public umbilical cord blood banking is the recommended method of obtaining umbilical cord blood for use in transplantation, immune therapies, or other medically validated indications.

    11.Sep, 11:43am

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