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Homeopathy for Homemakers

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Homeopathy for Homemakers

3 min read


Homeopathy offers various solutions for women’s health conditions. This article discusses various thought processes of homemakers and homeopathic remedies.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Preetha. J

Published At March 29, 2018
Reviewed AtMarch 25, 2024


The homeopathic medicine system offers homemakers various alternative medicines, cures and treatments that help women get rid of various gynecological conditions and other health issues faced by them. A homemaker is a person who takes responsibility for managing a household, usually as a spouse or a parent. Homemakers are the most hardworking people. They have a daily routine, and almost all of them work without any vacation.

A homemaker is a neutral term depicting a housewife or a househusband. But throughout history, the majority of homemakers around the world are women. Therefore in this article, the health of the woman as a homemaker is typically described and it also discusses the various homeopathic remedies available for housemakers to improve their health conditions and overall quality of life.

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that was developed in Germany 200 years ago. It is a branch of medicine that is based on the theory that only “like can cure like”, meaning the disease can only be cured by the substance that causes similar symptoms in a healthy individual. Another theory is based on the notion that a low dose of medication can have a great effect in treating a medical condition.

What Are the Various Gynecological Problems Treated by Homeopathy?

1. Vaginal Yeast Infection (Candidiasis) - The condition is caused by the fungus candida overgrowth in the vagina.


  • Redness and swelling of the vulva.

  • Burning sensation, pain, and soreness in the vagina.

  • Vaginal itching and irritation.

  • White-colored vaginal discharge.

Homeopathic Medicine for Vaginal Infection:

  • Helonias.

  • Lycopodium.

  • Graphites.

  • Pulsatilla.

  • Natrum Muriaticum.

  • Staphysagria.

  • Sepia.

  • Thuja.

  • Candida albicans.

2. Premenstrual Symptoms (PMS) - These involve the physical and emotional symptoms caused during periods or menstrual cycles of women.


  • Bloating in the abdomen.

  • Back pain.

  • Appetite changes that cause cravings for certain foods.

  • Crying spells.

  • Feeling irritated, tense, tired, and anxious.

  • Headaches.

  • Joint pain.

  • Weight gain.

  • Tender and swollen breasts.

  • A person wants to stay alone.

  • Acne.

  • Constipation.

  • A rapid or fast heartbeat.

  • Depression.

  • Hot flashes.

  • Mood swings.

  • Troubled sleep.

  • Swollen hands or feet.

  • Disinterest in sex or lack of sex drive.

Homeopathic Medicine for PMS:

  • Folliculinum.

  • Lachesis.

  • Pulsatilla.

  • Natrum Muraticum.

  • Lac Caninum.

  • Sepia.

3. Hot Flashes - These are the hormonal imbalances or fluctuations in the women's body during menopause.


  • Perspiration.

  • Cold chills.

  • Flushing.

  • Sudden warm sensation on chest, neck, and face area.

  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat.

Homeopathic Medicine for Hot Flashes:

  • Amylium Nitrosum.

  • Glononium.

  • Belladonna.

  • Folliculinum.

  • Sepia.

  • Lachesis.

  • Sanguinaria Canadensis.

Why Is the Health of Homemakers a Concern?

The role played by the homemakers is vast, and their responsibilities are endless. But, women do their part well with high spirit and empathy. They are the pillar of support for every household. But, being busy taking care of the house, her children, husband, and elderly, homemakers neglect to look after their health. Due to such a hectic life, it is natural that one goes through various mental, emotional, and physical health problems. In the long run, neglected health conditions can lead to severe problems. Therefore, homeopathy offers various natural cures and treatments for homemakers to get rid of these medical conditions in the long run and improve their quality of life and health.

What Are the Various Homeopathic Remedies and Their Significance in Improving Women's Health?

  • Ignatia: Family-oriented homemakers will not take rest and continue to do their household work even if they have severe headaches. They will not show their illness until someone recognizes it from their behavior. In homeopathy, Ignatia is prescribed to such women. Ignatia is a homeopathic medicine to treat grief and anxiety. In addition, Ignatia is given many health complaints, from a simple cold to a deeply-seated mental illness.

  • Sepia: Career-oriented unemployed women suffer from physical or mental illness after quitting their jobs or getting married. Yet, they always desire to do something for themselves that makes them happy. Sepia is also called a washerwoman's remedy because these women are so involved in the household chores that they never get time to look after themselves.

  • Pulsatilla: This medication is mainly prescribed to those women who are emotionally drained, and need a lot of comfort and attention, especially due to mood swings caused by PMS. When these homemakers suffer from a headache, they will leave all their household work behind and go to sleep. Pulsatilla gives remedy to these women who tend to get wobbled by emotions.

What Are the Important Elements Concentrated in Homeopathy?

Generally, homeopathic remedies concentrate on the base of the disease and not merely the symptoms. The drugs are prescribed based on the peculiarity of the symptoms for each specific individual. The key points evaluated in homeopathy are,

  • Emotional and mental issues (mood swings and anxieties).

  • Location and direction (location of the symptom and how it is proceeding).

  • Modality and intensity (the way of presentation of a symptom and its severity).

  • Onset and duration (the actual date and time span of the symptoms).

  • Concomitant and sequence (associated symptoms and progression of the disease).


The homemakers mentioned in the article are a few examples, and their indicative remedies are based on their behavior. Therefore, these are generalized remedies suggested for matching common homemaker illnesses. Further, the selection of homeopathic drugs also depends on the symptoms and overall picture of the person. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a concerned physician before starting any new medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions


Does Homeopathy Show Quick Results?

The action of homeopathic drugs completely differs depending on the ailment and its duration. Most drugs act quickly, like conventional medicine. However, some tend to act very slowly. Following the medicines, as suggested by the doctor, can give the best results.


What Has to Be Disregarded in Homeopathic Treatment?

During homeopathic treatment, it is recommended to avoid tobacco and alcohol. Some may suggest avoiding caffeine and garlic due to their strong odor. Specific studies claim that consuming the above substances can inactivate homeopathic treatment.


Is It Okay to Consume Homeopathy for a Longer Duration?

Any medication recommended should be strictly consumed as per the dosages suggested by the doctor. Chronic conditions tend to have maximum benefits with a longer duration of treatment.  Hence, it is okay to consume homeopathic medications until an individual completely recovers from the disease.


Is Homeopathy a Remedy to Cure Diseases?

Homeopathic medications aim to cure diseases and have various health benefits. However, treating genetic conditions is not possible. But it helps to treat physical and psychological conditions.


How to Assess the Action of Homeopathy?

A gradual improvement of the diseased condition without complications is a sign of understanding the effects of homeopathic medication. The homeopath may call for a review to check for disease progression. If there are not many results after a week, it could be due to the dosage of the homeopathic drug.


When Is the Right Time to Take Homeopathic Medicines?

Some homeopathic medicines are to be consumed before a meal, while others are consumed after a meal, usually within 20 minutes. Avoiding coffee and garlic is crucial as they may interfere with drug action. Certain drugs are to be consumed on an empty stomach for best results.


Can Allopathy and Homeopathy Be Combined Together?

It is always better to stick to one course of medications for good results. Every drug has its way of curing the ailment. Consuming allopathy and homeopathy might confuse the body.


Are Kidneys Affected in Homeopathic Treatment?

Unlike most drugs that are metabolized in the kidney and liver, homeopathic drugs do not harm the kidneys. They help to treat any kidney diseases. Skin rashes and allergies are the side effects caused by this treatment.


Is Ayurveda Similar to Homeopathy?

Although Ayurveda and homeopathy are quite similar due to the natural remedies for treatment, they are grouped as alternative medicine. Homeopathy helps to achieve remedies faster. However, Ayurveda may require multiple sessions for treatment.


Does Weight Gain Occur With Homeopathy?

Homeopathic drugs can help to improve the appetite. Individuals suffering from poor appetite can have better results with homeopathy. It improves hunger pangs, thereby aiding in better nutrition.


Can Homeopathic Medicine Be Touched With Bare Hands?

It is highly recommended to avoid touching homeopathic medicines with bare hands. This is due to the loss of effectiveness of the drug. Hence, use the bottle of the cap to take the medicines.


Is It Okay to Consume Vitamins Along With Homeopathy?

Usually, homeopathy medicines are safer to use with other drugs. However, in case of allergic reactions, it is better to stop using medications and consult a doctor. Hence it is safer to avoid consuming both at the same time.


Can Homeopathy Treat Hair Loss?

Homeopathy can treat hair loss, and in addition, it helps to nourish the hair. Silicea is a commonly used homeopathic drug for thinning hair. It strengthens the hair and prevents dryness.
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Dr. Sheetal Kamble
Dr. Sheetal Kamble



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