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Yoga Therapy for Gut Health - The Gut-Brain Axis

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Yoga helps in improving gut health by massaging the internal organs present in the abdomen with various asanas and breathing techniques. Read the article below.

Medically reviewed by

Shakti Mishra

Published At June 6, 2023
Reviewed AtApril 10, 2024


Yoga is a combination of different poses, meditation, and breathing techniques that help in increasing the flexibility of the mind and body, reduce depression, anxiety, and stress, improve the strength of the internal organs and muscles, and help in calming the mind and the body. Yoga can also help improve the functions of the internal organs, including the digestive system. Certain yoga poses can help in better digestion, absorption of nutrients, excretion of waste products, and removing abdominal discomfort or gastrointestinal diseases.

How Does Yoga Help With Digestion?

Regular yoga practice can help in improving the health of the gastrointestinal tract or gut. The yoga poses can help in the gentle movement of the internal organs and muscles, which can help in strengthening the gastrointestinal muscles and reduce symptoms like abdominal bloating, acidity, etc. The breathing techniques or Pranayama also help in improving gut health. Abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing can help reduce stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. The gastrointestinal tract, or the gut, is the body's second brain, which helps digestion. The vagus nerve connects the brain with gastrointestinal organs. Yoga helps stimulate the vagus nerve, which will help in getting a connection with the gut-brain axis and activate the parasympathetic system reducing stress and anxiety. Yoga also helps improve the body's awareness, thereby controlling the appetite.

Which Are the Yoga Poses That Help in Improving the Gut Health?

The yoga poses and the breathing techniques that help in improving gut health include the following -

  • Diaphragmatic Breathing - During various yoga poses, diaphragmatic breathing help in massaging the gastrointestinal organs, which can help reduce gastric symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, acidity, etc., and it also helps in improving digestion. During a deep breath, the diaphragm will help massage the muscles in the abdomen and the internal organs. Diaphragmatic breathing is when, during inhalation, the abdomen expands, and while exhaling, the abdomen returns towards the spine. Continue this diagrammatic breathing throughout the yoga poses. Repeat diaphragmatic breathing for five to ten minutes daily.

  • Cat Cow Pose - The cat-cow pose helps stimulate the vagus nerve. This will help in increasing digestion and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This pose, along with breath control, helps in reducing stress, depression, and anxiety and helps in calming the mind. Start from the table to position by keeping both hands and knees on the floor. The hands should be placed at shoulder width, and the knees should be placed below the hip width. Take a deep breath and come to cow pose by opening the chest forward, and the tailbone should be lifted. Raise the head upwards. Exhale and come to the cat pose by pressing the hand on the ground, rounding the spine, and making the abdomen towards the spine. Move the chin near the chest. Repeat the cat and cow position during each inhalation and exhalation, and match with the breath. Continue these steps for ten breaths and return to the normal position.

  • Crocodile Pose - The crocodile poses helps relax the whole body and stretch the muscles in the paraspinal region, strengthening the diaphragm muscles, which help in respiration and helps in activating the vagus nerve by stimulating the muscles of the belly or the stomach. It also helps reduce the heart rate by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. To do the crocodile pose, lie down on the floor by keeping the stomach downwards. Keep the legs stressed straight by keeping the toes upwards and at a comfortable distance apart from each foot. Hold the arms and rest the forehead on the arms and relax the head. Slowly take breaths, bring awareness to the inhalation and exhalation, and notice the expansion of the belly during inhalation. Continue in this position for ten breaths and return to the normal position. This crocodile pose is contraindicated during pregnancy as it will give abdominal pressure, which will be uncomfortable for certain pregnant women.

  • Chair Twist Pose - The chair twist pose will create movement in the spinal muscles and gastrointestinal organs. Stretching the muscles in the abdomen will help stimulate the digestive organs and improve blood circulation, decrease the tension in the muscles in the stomach, and improve the flow of oxygenated blood, which helps increase digestion. To do the chair pose, stand straight on the floor, keeping the feet together and the toes touching each other. Inhale and slowly raise the hand above the head perpendicular to the floor and bend the knees. Bring the thighs parallel to the floor. Place the arms downwards, keeping the palms together in a praying position near the chest, and twist the body to the right and bring the left elbow outside the right thigh. Shift the left hip backward. Press the upper part of the left arm against the thighs, bring the right shoulder blade to the back, and turn the chest to the right side. Extend both arms. Bring the right hand upwards and the left-hand downwards to the floor. Look towards the ceiling or the right fingertip. Slowly bring the hips downwards, lengthen the spine during inhalation, and twist the body during exhalation. Maintain the body's weight on the heels and hold in this position for one minute. Inhale, return to the normal position and repeat these steps on the opposite side.

  • Garland Pose - The garland pose is a type of squat performed during the yoga practice to increase the blood flow to the kidney and intestine, and it also helps relax and stretch the muscles in the pelvic region. The garland pose helps reduce abdominal bloating, improve digestive flow, and eliminate waste materials. To do the garland pose, sit straight on the floor with both feet apart. Bend the knees and bring the butt downwards to the floor to sit in a squat position. Bring the upper arm of both hands inside the knees and bend the elbows like in a praying position. Keep the hands near the chest and touch the sternum with the thumps. Keep the spine straight and the shoulder relaxed. Hold in this position for a minimum of five deep breaths, stretch the legs, and return to the original position. Repeat these steps four to five times.


Yoga is a natural treatment for improving gut or gastrointestinal tract health. It helps reduce the digestive issues and symptoms associated with various digestive conditions like abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, gas, etc. It also helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. The yoga poses, along with various breathing techniques or diaphragmatic breathing, will help exercise the internal organs, which aid in digestion. Yoga will help increase the blood flow to the internal organs and mobility of the abdominal muscles, which help in improving digestion and creating natural contractions.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can the Practice of Yoga Have a Therapeutic Effect on the Gastrointestinal System?

Several studies provide evidence that yoga can be used as an adjunctive therapy for individuals with digestive issues, specifically irritable bowel syndrome. It is possible that this intervention could potentially mitigate specific symptoms, including but not limited to discomfort, excessive gas, abdominal distention, and impaired bowel movements.


Which Type of Yoga Is Most Effective for Promoting Gastrointestinal Health?

- The practice of headstand, also known as Shirshasana, is a yoga pose that involves balancing the body upside down.
- The yoga posture known as Frog Pose, or Mandukasana in Sanskrit, is commonly practiced in several yoga traditions.
- The Cobra Pose, also known as Bhujangasana, is a yoga posture that involves lying on the stomach and lifting the upper body while keeping the legs and pelvis.
- The Bow Pose, also known as Dhanurasana, is a yoga posture that involves lying on the stomach and bending the knees to grasp the ankles.


Is There Evidence to Support the Claim That Yoga Can Effectively Treat Leaky Gut Syndrome?

The management of a leaky gut frequently involves adopting a comprehensive approach that encompasses a variety of interventions. Specific yoga postures, such as twists and folds, have been found to facilitate the digestive process potentially. These interventions can potentially alleviate symptoms associated with increased intestinal permeability, including abdominal distension, excessive gas production, and impaired bowel movements.


Does Yoga Have Beneficial Effects on the Colon?

Yoga confers advantages to colon health through enhancements in digestive processes, elimination of bodily toxins, and establishment of equilibrium. Yoga enhances digestive function by facilitating blood flow and circulation, expediting the evacuation process, and fostering peristalsis to mitigate the occurrence of constipation.


What Are the Potential Adverse Consequences Associated With the Practice of Yoga?

The study findings indicate that the three primary negative outcomes associated with yoga practice are pain and soreness, muscle injuries (often sprains), and exhaustion. These adverse effects were reported by participants in the form of experiencing discomfort in the upper and lower limbs, as well as lower back pain.


Does Physical Activity Have the Ability to Cleanse the Colon?

Engaging in a regular brisk walking routine for approximately thirty to forty minutes has been shown to mitigate the risk of developing digestive ailments and other medical diseases. It enhances intestinal contractility, facilitating the transit of fecal matter within the colon.


Which workouts are effective in enhancing colon function?

Sit-ups and crunches are widely regarded as effective activities for promoting good digestion. The musculature of the core and abdomen plays a pivotal role in enhancing the functionality of bowel movements and intestinal processes. Additionally, they aid in preventing digestive ailments such as excessive gas or abdominal bloating. Moreover, this exercise regimen can facilitate the reduction of abdominal fat and the attainment of a toned stomach.


What Are the Natural Methods for Repairing the Colon?

- Hydration is the easiest digestive aid. 
- Salt Water flush is a procedure in which two teaspoons of sea or pink salt in lukewarm water on an empty stomach causes colon movements to increase within minutes.
- A diet high in fiber, which includes healthy plant foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and more. 
- Fasting helps in colon cleansing without meals.


Does Yoga Have a Positive Impact on Gut Bacteria?

The advantages of yoga extend beyond physical fitness, encompassing muscular strengthening and enhanced flexibility. Yoga has been found to exert a beneficial influence on gut health and digestive processes.


What Is the Quickest Method for Treating a Leaky Gut?

The practice of excluding foods that frequently elicit symptoms, such as sugar, gluten, and dairy, is commonly employed. The incorporation of probiotics to replenish beneficial gut microbiota. Consuming fermented foods, such as pickles, yogurt, and sauerkraut, has been suggested to possess potential therapeutic properties for gut health restoration. When contemplating using dietary supplements, such as L-glutamine, as a potential remedy for restoring the intestinal epithelial barrier.


How Can One Effectively Cleanse the Stomach Through the Practice of Yoga?

- Tadakriya refers to the act of stretching, which facilitates the downward movement of fluids from the stomach to the colon.
- The practice of Kati Kriya involves twisting the body to facilitate water movement from the colon towards the intestine.
- The Pavana Kriya technique involves applying pressure to facilitate the movement of water towards the anus, hence assisting in the process of expulsion.


Is There Evidence to Support the Claim That Yoga Can Effectively Treat Digestive Disorders?

The digestive system can be influenced by stimulating activity in the digestive organs and inducing a mood conducive to digestion through practices such as yoga, which soothe the nervous system. Using yoga to improve digestion can yield positive outcomes when employed independently or in conjunction with other therapeutic interventions.


What Is the Most Efficient Method to Cure a Leaky Gut?

Consuming entire foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats in the leaky gut diet supplies the body with vital nutrients to improve gut health. Whole foods also provide antioxidants that aid in detoxifying the body and supporting optimum digestion.


Can Yoga Alleviate Stomach Problems?

It is advisable for enhancing digestion or combating an infection, such as gastroenteritis. In addition to improving the digestive system, it is also advantageous for spine-related issues.
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Shakti Mishra
Shakti Mishra



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