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Thigh Lift: Procedure, Preoperative and Postoperative Precautions, and Complications

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A thigh lift is a cosmetic procedure to contour and reshape the thigh. Read the article below to know more.

Written by

Dr. Pallavi. C

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Ekansh Shekhar

Published At December 29, 2022
Reviewed AtFebruary 7, 2023

What Is a Thigh Lift?

Thigh lift surgery is done to trim any extra skin or fat from the thighs to tighten the drooping and loose skin. Thigh lift helps to get younger and firmer thighs and achieve a more proportionate and toned body. It helps in better clothing and boosts the confidence and self-image of an individual.

Why Is a Thigh Lift Surgery Done?

A thigh lift can be the best option if loose, flabby skin on thighs does not get better with diet or exercise. A thigh lift is an excellent option for

  • Individuals with significant weight loss.

  • The presence of unsightly loose, sagging skin is present around the thighs.

  • Loose skin, cellulite, and sagging thighs due to aging.

  • Individuals with thick and broad thighs have difficulty wearing clothes.

How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon for a Thigh Lift?

  • A plastic surgeon usually performs thigh lifts.

  • Always select a certified surgeon.

  • Make sure the surgeon is a certified member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and has at least six years of surgical and three years of plastic surgery experience.

  • By choosing a certified plastic surgeon, the patient is assured of results.

What Are the Pre-operative Preparations for Thigh Lift?

  • Before performing the surgery, a plastic surgeon will evaluate the patient.

  • Patients' overall health and medical history are checked thoroughly to rule out systemic illness and drug allergies.

  • Patients are advised to stop certain medications such as blood thinners like Aspirin, Clopidogrel, and anti-inflammatory drugs before the surgery to prevent excess bleeding.

  • Habits such as smoking should be avoided one week before and after surgery until complete healing is achieved.

  • Surgeons may take pre-operative photographs to examine the thighs and improve the areas which require treatment.

  • Also, pre-operative photographs help to evaluate the difference in the appearance of the thighs after the surgery.

  • Surgeons will discuss different thigh lift surgeries, procedures, and the outcome of the results.

  • Surgeons also will brief about visible scarring and the need for secondary surgery to even out bumps, depending on the type of modification needed.

  • The recovery time may take more than two weeks, and the patient is advised to take off from work.

How Is Thigh Lift Surgery Done?


  • The procedure is done under general anesthesia.

  • The surgery may take one to two hours, depending on the patient's requirements.

  • Sometimes liposuction may be required for the procedure.

  • It is essential to have a person to accompany the patient during the procedure; the patient may need to stay overnight in the hospital.


The surgeon will discuss different treatment options and choose the best treatment necessary according to the patient's requirements.

Mini Thigh Lift:

  • This procedure requires minimum incisions in the groin region to facilitate the reshaping of the thigh.

  • This procedure is preferred when toning the upper-inner part of the thigh region.

Medial Thigh Lift (Inner Thigh Lift):

  • An incision is performed where the thigh and pubic area connect during an inner thigh lift.

  • After removing a wedge of skin and fat, the skin is closed, which results in skin tightening, a better leg contour, and increased skin elasticity.

  • This procedure focuses on the inner thigh.

Lateral Thigh Lift (Outer Thigh Lift):

  • This procedure tightens the skin outside and front of the leg.

  • During a lateral thigh lift, an incision is performed near the top of the leg, where the bottom edge of your underpants would be.

  • The remaining skin is then pulled up and attached to the same spot after a particular amount of skin has been removed.

  • In this method, the skin on both the right and left sides of the thighs is tightened.

  • This procedure is generally performed when there is excessively loose and flabby skin due to tremendous weight loss.

What Are the Precautions to Be taken by the Patient After Thigh Lift?

  • Patients might have swelling and pain and be unable to stand fully for a few days, which is temporary.

  • Proper diet and nutrition are necessary for better healing.

  • As the surgeon recommends, smoking should be avoided at least one month before and two weeks after the procedure.

  • Drain tubes will be placed after the surgery, and the doctor will show how to empty the drains. Drains are usually removed after three to fourteen days.

  • Avoid strenuous activities like bending and physical activity for three weeks.

  • After the first two to three weeks, patients can resume these activities if driving and walking do not hurt.

  • For six to eight weeks, refrain from jogging and hard lifting.

  • Care must be taken not to give excessive force or motion to surgical incisions during healing.

  • Medications should be followed as suggested by the doctor.

  • Comfortable and loose clothing should be preferred till the healing is satisfactory.

  • Supportive elastic garments should be worn for at least six weeks. This will help prevent fluid buildup and aid in tightening the thigh.

  • Regular follow-up checks up must be scheduled as suggested by the doctor.

  • Patients can begin assessing the visual results of their thigh lift surgery after a few months.

  • Scars typically take three months to two years to fade and flatten.

What Are the Complications of Thigh Lift Surgery?

  • Wound infection for which antibiotic treatment may be necessary.

  • Prolonged discomfort near the incision sites.

  • Hematoma (a collection of blood around the surgical site that may require drainage).

  • Scars easily seen, such as keloid and hypertrophic scars, are enlarged, elevated scars that develop over healed incisions.

  • Numbness around operated sites is typically temporary and will disappear over several months.

  • Excess fluid accumulation under the skin (seroma) around an operated site.

  • Fat necrosis (death of fat cells below the skin).

  • Asymmetry or unevenness of the thighs.

  • Allergic reactions due to general anesthesia.

  • Damage to underlying tissue.


Thigh lift surgery is a cosmetic surgery to tone and reshape the thighs. Cosmetic surgery, however, cannot reverse natural aging. As an individual ages, the skin will gradually lose its tightness and sag. The thigh skin may stretch out once again if a patient acquires a lot of weight after having a thigh lift, which could affect the outcomes and the shape of the thighs. The surgeon would advise losing weight before having thigh lift surgery if the patient intends to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Are the Common Complications of Thigh Lift Surgery?

Common complications of thigh lift surgery include: 
- Scar migration (scar gradually shifts or changes position over time).
- Wound dehiscence (the reopening of the surgical wound).
- Scar infection.
- Hematoma (accumulation of blood).
- Lymphedema (swelling caused by the disruption of lymphatic vessels) 
- Gaping vulva (in cases where the lift extends to the groin area). 


How Should One Prepare for Thigh Lift Surgery?

To prepare for thigh lift surgery, it is important to follow these steps:
- Follow the surgeon's instructions regarding fasting before the procedure.
- As directed by the surgeon, stop taking any prescription drugs or dietary supplements that could raise the risk of bleeding.
- Make plans for a companion to join you on the day of the procedure and assistance with transportation following.
- Quit smoking and avoid alcohol consumption as advised by the surgeon, as they can impair healing.
- Create a clean, cozy healing area to prepare the home environment.
- Have the essentials on hand for after surgery, including loose clothing, medications, and suggested wound care products.


What Is the Recommended Aftercare for a Thigh Lift?

Following a thigh lift, the following actions are advised:
- Care for the wound and change the dressing as directed by the surgeon.
- Follow the surgeon's instructions when taking any prescribed drugs, such as antibiotics or painkillers.
- Follow the surgeon's prescribed cleaning protocol to keep the incision site dry and clean.
- During the first stage of recovery, stay away from physically demanding activities and exercises that could strain the incision region.
- As advised by the surgeon, put on compression clothing to reduce swelling and aid in the healing process.
- Attend follow-up appointments with the surgeon to track development and resolve any issues or potential complications.


What Does the Thigh Lift Procedure Entail?

The thigh lift procedure, also known as thighplasty, typically involves the following steps:
- Anesthesia.
- Incision placement.
- Tissue repositioning: Excess skin and fat are removed, and the remaining tissues are lifted and tightened to improve contour and firmness.
- Liposuction (if necessary): In some cases, liposuction may be performed to further sculpt the thighs and remove excess fat deposits.
- Skin closure.
- Recovery.


Is Thigh Lift Surgery Considered Safe?

Thigh lift surgery is considered safe when performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. However, there are some dangers and complications that might occur just like with any surgical operation. Infection, bleeding, inadequate wound healing, scarring, and alterations in feeling may be a few of these. 


What Is the Typical Recovery Period After a Thigh Lift?

The typical recovery period after a thigh lift can vary from patient to patient. Generally, incision sites take around six weeks to heal. Swelling gradually subsides over the course of six months. During this time, patients can expect to see progressive improvement in the results of their thigh lifts. It is crucial to understand that each person's healing process can vary, and adhering to the surgeon's post-operative care instructions is vital to optimize recovery and achieve optimal results.


Is It Possible to Walk After Undergoing a Thigh Lift?

Generally speaking, one can walk after having a thigh lift. The degree of mobility and walking capacity, however, may differ based on a person's unique circumstances, including the complexity of the operation, general health, and post-operative discomfort. Initial soreness and swelling are typical, and they may momentarily impair movement. Patients are urged to adhere to their surgeon's post-operative activity recommendations and progressively ramp up physical activity as healing occurs.


Is a Thigh Lift Considered a Major Surgery?

Yes, a thigh lift is generally considered a major surgery. It involves making incisions, removing excess skin and fat, and repositioning tissues to improve the contour and appearance of the thighs. The procedure typically requires general anesthesia and can take several hours to complete. 


How Long Should One Wait Before Walking After Thigh Surgery?

Typically, patients are encouraged to initiate walking as early as possible, either on the day of or the day following the surgery. The surgeon will consider the extent of the surgery, each patient's healing status, and postoperative discomfort when determining the precise time frame for walking.


What Type of Incision Is Typically Used for Thigh Lift?

The type of incision used for a thigh lift depends on the specific needs and goals of the patient, as well as the surgeon's preference. Incisions frequently occur in the groin area and go down the inner thigh. With this method, the thigh can be reshaped and extra skin and fat can be removed. Depending on the desired result, further incisions might occasionally be made along the outer thigh or close to the buttock crease.


What Are the Various Types of Thigh Lifts?

There are different types of thigh lifts, each targeting specific areas of the thigh. Some common types include: 
- Inner Thigh Lift: Specifically targets the inner thigh to treat drooping skin and enhance contour.
- Bilateral Thigh Lift: Involves lifting and tightening both the inner and outer thighs for a more comprehensive improvement.
- Medial Thigh Lift: The medial thigh lift targets the upper part of the inner thigh, removing any extra skin and tissue there.
- Spiral Thigh Lift: Targets the entire thigh circumference, addressing sagging skin and improving overall contour.
- Mini Thigh Lift: A less extensive procedure that targets a specific area of concern, such as the upper inner thigh.
- Extended Thigh Lift: A more involved surgery that targets extra skin and sagging throughout the body, not just the thighs.


What Methods Can Be Used to Reduce Swelling After a Thigh Lift?

Following a thigh lift, the following techniques can be used to reduce swelling:
One method that can be used is the application of cold compresses or ice packs to the treated area. This can help constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation.
When resting, keep the legs elevated above heart level to promote fluid outflow and reduce edema.
Wearing the compression garments recommended by the surgeon offers gentle pressure and support to the thighs, aiding in the reduction of swelling.
Promoting overall healing and minimizing fluid retention can be achieved by maintaining a well-balanced diet and staying hydrated through an adequate intake of water.


How Does One Manage Bathroom Activities After a Thigh Lift?

To manage bathroom activities after a thigh lift:
- Make sure to communicate any specific concerns or limitations to the surgeon, who can provide personalized guidance.
- Take it slow and be mindful of movements, especially when sitting or standing.
- If necessary, use wet wipes or a handheld showerhead to provide gentle cleaning.
- Consider employing assistive equipment, such as grab bars or a higher toilet seat, if your movement is limited.


At What Point Can Sleeping on the Side Be Resumed Following a Thigh Lift?

After a thigh lift, it is advisable to avoid sleeping on the side until the surgeon gives clearance. The timing for sleeping on the side can vary depending on the individual healing progress and the specific instructions provided by the surgeon.


What Do the Scars From Thigh Lifts Look Like?

The appearance of scars from thigh lifts can vary depending on individual factors and the specific surgical technique used. Scars from thigh lifts generally appear in regions that are easy to cover, such as the groin or the inner thigh. Scars often lighten and disappear with time, though each person will have a unique final appearance.


What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Thigh Lift Surgery?

Several benefits of thigh lift surgery include improved thigh contour, decreased extra skin and fat, and increased self-confidence. It can treat slack skin and sagging that might not improve with diet and exercise. However, drawbacks include possible surgical risks and problems, scars, and the requirement for appropriate post-operative care and recuperation.


Can Stairs Be Used After a Thigh Lift?

The use of stairs after a thigh lift will depend on the individual healing progress and the surgeon's recommendations. In the initial stages of recovery, it is generally advised to avoid excessive strain on the thighs, which may include limiting or modifying the use of stairs. To ensure a safe recovery, it is crucial to adhere to the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon, especially regarding physical activity and the recommended timeframe for safely resuming the use of stairs.


How Should One Sit After Leg Surgery?

After leg surgery, it is important to follow proper sitting techniques to promote healing and avoid strain:
- Keep the feet and knees pointed straight ahead, avoiding inward or outward rotation.
- For proper support, it is advised to sit in a chair that has a firm structure, a straight back, and armrests.
- Follow the therapist's instructions regarding whether to keep your knees stretched out or bent.
- Avoid sitting on stools, sofas, soft chairs, rocking chairs, or chairs that are too low, as they may not provide adequate support for your healing leg.
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Dr. Ekansh Shekhar



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