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HomeHealth articlesbelly button painWhat Is Belly Button Piercing Repair?

Belly Button Piercing Repair- Conditions, Procedure, Risks

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Belly button piercing repair is a procedure to repair the piercing hole when it no longer fits the style, infection, or rejection. Read below to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Basuki Nath Bhagat

Published At March 7, 2024
Reviewed AtMarch 7, 2024


The oldest and most practiced form of body modification is belly piercing, which takes longer to heal. Belly piercing can sometimes lead to infection, tearing, allergic reactions, or rejection, so belly piercing repair is essential. Belly button piercing repair is a simple procedure that will repair the piercing hole if it no longer fits the style. The tunnel of skin is created when the belly button is pierced, called epithelializing or the passage or piercing. The skin tunnel remains when the piercing is removed and will leave a firmness or scar in the area. This hole can be closed via surgery or stitching.

What Is a Belly Button Piercing Repair?

A belly button piercing repair is done with local anesthesia, which will close the holes from a belly button piercing.

Why Is Belly Button Repairing Done?

There are a lot of significant strains the belly button goes through in its lifetime. It becomes damaged or altered due to ample opportunities from birth onward, and a belly button piercing repair procedure will help to improve its look. One of the most common reasons for misshapen belly buttons over time is piercings. The other reasons for deflated belly buttons are significant weight loss, following abdominal procedures, or pregnancy.

What Are the Various Belly Button Procedures?

There are a number of other options, such as repair procedures and cosmetic enhancements, other than piercing revision to alter the belly button. Depending on the situation, a particular type is chosen. The various procedures include umbilicoplasty, hernia repair, and belly button revision for tummy tucks. With umbilicoplasty, the size and shape of the navel can be changed to be more in line with what is required aesthetically. Umbilical hernia repair is done in individuals who desire an innie belly button from the outie belly button.

What Are the Conditions to Treat With Belly Button Repair Surgery?

The conditions to treat with belly button repair surgery are:

  • The changes to the belly button to be reversed are caused due to weight gain, pregnancy, or age.

  • To achieve a more youthful-looking appearance of the stomach.

  • Turn into an innie belly button from an outie belly button.

  • Scar formation or skin damage due to belly button piercing.

  • Excessive bulging of the area around the umbilicus is caused due to belly button hernias.

How Is Belly Button Piercing Repaired With Stitches?

In the pierced area, local numbing or anesthetic is administered, and a small incision is made to remove the tract or hole left by the piercing. Then stitches are given that stay in for 1 to 2 weeks, and a small linear scar is left behind that is less noticeable than a hole.

What Is the Recovery Time for Belly Button Repair?

For most patients, the recovery is quick and requires minimal downtime, and for the best results, there should be reduced strain on the belly button. The dressing should be left for 24 hours and treated with antibiotics regularly. Usually, adhesive tapes are not required, but this can help keep the ointment off the clothes. After a week, stitches can be removed, after which a scar cream regimen can be started to minimize the appearance of scarring.

What Does Umbilicoplasty Do for a Piercing Scar?

Sometimes, the scar from an old belly button piercing or the body that has rejected the piercing might affect the belly button's appearance. Umbilicoplasty is one of the most effective options if the scar is present on the small ring of the skin surrounding the belly button or in the indentation of the belly button. A scar revision procedure is better if the scar is present above the belly button. A reputed surgeon is necessary for any cosmetic procedure, which can be done in an office or hospital setting. Local or general anesthesia is given based on the extent of the procedure. Around the belly button, the extra skin is removed, and before the procedure, the surgeon might trim its angles to appear higher or lower based on the required result. In less than an hour, the entire procedure is done.

What Are the Risks of the Belly Button Piercing Repair?

The potential risks with belly button piercing repair are bruising, swelling, bleeding, scarring, wound healing problems, local anesthetic risks, infection, and numbness.

  • Bruising, Swelling, and Bleeding: After any treatment, there can be swelling, which usually settles after a few days, and this swelling is due to the injection of local anesthesia. Sometimes, individuals might also develop bruising or bleeding due to medications that are being taken that can increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin and herbal supplements.

  • Scarring: Mostly, surgery will develop permanent scars after the surgery where piercing holes are present. Individuals develop scars that become red, lumpy, or raised, called keloid scars.

  • Wound Healing Problems: Some individuals might have wound healing issues due to underlying issues resulting in delayed healing or risk factors such as smoking.

  • Local Anesthetic Risks: Rarely patients may develop allergic reactions to local anesthesia.

  • Infection: It is rare to develop an infection with this procedure, and it improves with oral antibiotics.

  • Numbness: There can be a change in sensation to the skin in the surrounding area with any surgical procedure due to some sensory nerve being cut during this procedure.


The belly button piercing repair is considered a minor procedure performed under local anesthesia to numb the area before the procedure. After the removal of the piercing tract underneath the skin by the surgeon, sutures are then given.

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Dr. Basuki Nath Bhagat
Dr. Basuki Nath Bhagat

Family Physician


belly button pain
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