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HomeAnswersDermatologyadenocarcinomaWhat are the common side effects during chemotherapy?

How to minimize side effects after chemotherapy?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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Published At May 21, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 21, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma last year and underwent the first cycle of 12 sessions of Folfox up to six months. However, the nodes became active again, leading to the initiation of the second cycle of chemotherapy with Paclitaxel. While the first cycle did not entail any side effects, this time I am experiencing pustules, as evident in the uploaded photos.

Additionally, I am an insulin-dependent diabetic and taking medication for hypertension. Currently, I am on Tablet Clavum 625 mg twice daily after food for the past two days, along with Fusidin cream.

Kindly help.

Thank you.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I can understand your concern.

After reviewing the details and images provided (attachments removed to protect patient identity), I fully understand your concerns.

Experiencing side effects such as pustules, folliculitis, rashes, and skin redness during chemotherapy sessions is a common occurrence and can be effectively managed. Rest assured, I will assist you in finding appropriate medications to alleviate the rash discomfort. It is important to recognize that during chemotherapy cycles, these side effects may recur, but the medications I'm prescribing can be continued as needed.

While Clavam 625 (Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid), an oral antibiotic, may help reduce the pustules, I recommend switching to a different antibiotic specifically formulated for facial and scalp pustular lesions, which can also be used in the future if new rashes appear.

Here are my recommendations:

  1. Aha Glow Advanced Gel Face Wash: Use twice daily, applying one pump to wet skin, massaging gently for 30 seconds, and then rinsing off.

  2. Cleargel Gel (Clindamycin Gel): Apply twice daily to affected areas after using the face wash.

  3. Capsule Microdox LBX (Doxycycline 100 mg): Take one capsule after breakfast and one after dinner for seven days.

  4. Tab Pantop 40 (Pantoprazole): Take one tablet 30 minutes before breakfast and one 30 minutes before dinner for seven days to prevent acidity caused by the antibiotics. Consult your doctor and take the medication appropriately.

  5. Avoid manually expressing the pustules. They will resolve with the medication over time.

  6. Acne OC Moisturizer (optional): Use as a moisturizer for the entire face if it feels dry, 15 minutes after applying the medicated gel to pimples.

  7. Selsun Shampoo: Use for scalp wash. Mix three to four drops in one and a half cups of water, apply to the scalp, massage for one minute, leave for three minutes, then rinse. Use once every three weeks or as needed.

  8. Staying adequately hydrated can also help prevent acne, folliculitis, and dry skin.

  9. If you notice pus becoming extremely painful, changing color, or experiencing severe inflammation, seek medical attention promptly.

  10. Do not worry, these side effects will diminish with time, and the prescribed medications will expedite the healing process.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, and I hope my recommendations provide you with relief.

I hope this helps.

Please revert in case of further queries.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor

Thank you for your reply.

The pustules have reappeared following the most recent chemotherapy session.

Could I resume taking the capsule Microdox LBX (doxycycline 100)? If so, for how many days should I continue it? Additionally, would you recommend altering the medical regimen?

Thank you.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

As previously mentioned, there is a regrettable possibility of pustule recurrence during chemotherapy due to medication side effects.

You are encouraged to resume Microdox LBX (Doxycycline and Lactobacillus sporogenes) twice daily after meals for 14 days.

You may also continue with Cleargel. However, if you desire an alternative, Peroclin 2.5 percent gel (Benzoyl Peroxide and Clindamycin), which offers slightly stronger potency, is an option. These can be applied in the morning, with Cleargel being used at night. Please continue using the recommended face wash.

I hope this information helps.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty
Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty


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