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Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics

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5 min read


Cosmetic products used daily for skin rejuvenation and protection are ironically harmful to our skin and affect reproductive and developmental health.

Written by

Dr. Osheen Kour

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop

Published At November 10, 2022
Reviewed AtDecember 28, 2023


Numerous chemicals added to cosmetics permeate our skin and enter our bloodstream, endangering our health. Some products' ingredients have carcinogenic (cancer-causing chemicals) effects, while some harmful metals lead to skin damage and other health issues. Cosmetic products like skin creams, lipsticks, soap, shampoos, hair dyes, and sunscreens are incorporated with these chemicals during manufacturing.

The testing of these products is usually done only for the main elements. However, the regulations make them safe for consumers, and related side effects are acknowledged if the consumer complains. However, skin allergies, rashes, and other health-related toxicity are associated with using cosmetic products.

Which Toxic Chemicals Are Used in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products?

Coal tar, sulfates, formaldehyde, carcinogens, parabens, phthalates, synthetic colors, fragrance, talc, lead, alcohol, hydroquinone, toluene, BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene).

What Are the 16 Toxic Chemicals That Should Be Avoided in Cosmetic and Skin Care?

Parabens, Phthalates, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Formaldehyde, Triclosan, Oxybenzone, Toluene, Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol (BG), Mineral Oil, PEG Compounds, Coal Tar Dyes, Siloxanes, Ethanolamines, Synthetic Fragrances, Retinyl Palmitate and Retinol and BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) and BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene).

Reading labels and choosing products free from these ingredients or opting for natural and organic substitutes might reduce exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals in skincare and makeup products.

What Effects Do These Chemicals Have on the Consumer?


These ingredients cause eye and skin irritation.


Coal tar, formaldehyde, silica, and arsenic are cancer-causing agents used in nail polishes, hair products, and deodorants as preservatives or ingredients. They cause hair loss and other neurotoxicity and endocrine-related health issues. Also, inhalation of these chemicals causes dizziness.


These are also used as preservatives in cosmetics to keep the product fresh for use, increase estrogen production in females, and cause breast cancer.

Synthetic Color:

This is a deep-colored pigment used in cosmetics derived from coal tar. It is found to cause skin irritation, pimples, and acne.


This ingredient is found in deodorants, shampoos, moisturizers, and other scented products. They usually cause skin allergies and respiratory disorders.


This is usually found in body powders, eye shadows, and deodorants as a moisture absorbent, but it has been associated with ovarian cancer and lung tumors if inhaled.

Lead and Heavy Metals:

These elements are either added directly or contaminated in cosmetic products like lipstick, foundation, and hair dyes and can cause reproductive and immune system disorders.


It helps absorb products on the skin surface, leading to skin dryness, itching, and disturbing skin regeneration.


It is used as a skin-lightening product to treat pigmentation issues such as freckles, scars, and acne, but it has a carcinogenic effect, causing reduced skin pigment (melanin).

BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) and BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene):

They are added to lip colors, shampoos, hair dyes, deodorants, and sunscreens and are seen to cause toxicity to the organ systems.

How to Choose Acne Safe Ingredients Checker and Safe Products for Skin?

Ingredients Checker for Acne:

Several websites and apps offer databases where you can check the safety of ingredients for acne-prone skin. Look for platforms that provide detailed information on ingredient analysis and their comedogenicity (likelihood to clog pores). Scan the ingredient lists of skincare products. Look for terms like "non-comedogenic," "oil-free," and ingredients known to be gentle on acne-prone skin, such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid. Consulting a dermatologist or other skin care specialist can provide tailored recommendations. They can suggest specific ingredients or products suitable for your skin type and concerns.

Choosing Safe Products for Acne-Prone Skin:

Choose "non-comedogenic" products since they are less likely to irritate acne by blocking pores. Use gentle, fragrance-free cleansers for sensitive or acne-prone skin to avoid irritation and excessive drying. Seek for gel-based or moisture-free lotions to hydrate the outermost layer of skin without adding more oil. Consider spot treatments containing acne-fighting ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or sulfur to target specific breakouts.

Choose non-comedogenic sunscreens to protect your skin from UV rays without causing breakouts. Look for formulas labeled "oil-free" or "for acne-prone skin." Before using new products, test a patch on a small skin area to check for adverse reactions or sensitivity. Look for reviews or recommendations from individuals with similar skin types or concerns. Online forums or social media groups often provide valuable insights. Introduce new products slowly and one at a time into your skincare routine. This helps identify any products that might cause breakouts or irritation.

What Are the Cosmetic Allergies Caused by Cosmetic Products?

Cosmetic or personal care products sometimes irritate the skin, leading to severe allergies that need medical attention. In addition, these damage our skin and organ systems and become toxic due to their application, consumption, or inhalation.

There Are Different Types of Skin Allergies Associated With Cosmetic Products, Such As:

1. Allergic Contact Dermatitis-

  • It is a reaction caused by one of the thousand irritants in cosmetic products beyond the application area, showing redness and itching in the entire region. It is not very serious but can be very uncomfortable for the consumer.

  • Causes- Sunscreens, hair dyes, deodorants, moisturizers.

  • Symptoms- Red rashes, itchy and scaly skin, dryness with blisters, and pus.

2. Irritant Contact Dermatitis-

  • This dermatitis is a nonallergic skin reaction to the outer layer of skin. It can occur over single or multiple irritant exposures and is not a severe condition.

  • Causes- Shampoo, bleach, rubbing alcohol.

  • Symptoms- Rash, itching, pimples, or acne.

What Are the Preventive Measures for Dermatitis?

The best way to prevent cosmetics rashes and other allergic reactions is to know what you are allergic to and buy products accordingly.

  • Wash your hands and skin properly after using any irritant product, such as dyes or bleach.

  • Read the product description carefully before buying.

  • Use moisturizers to protect your skin from damage.

  • Do not hesitate to take medical advice on time.

When to Seek Medical Help?

  1. If the rash is sudden and spreads fast to other areas of the body.

  2. When a rash occurs on the face and genital areas.

  3. If there is blister formation over the rashes, they are painful and itchy.

  4. When there is itching in the eyes due to certain side effects.

  5. If the rash does not subside within two to three weeks.

What Are Treatment Options Available?

For mild allergies or rash, wash the area with water and apply Hydrocortisone or Calamine cream. However, if nothing works and it is very discomforting, take medical advice immediately.

A patch test is also one of the options clinicians use to diagnose dermatitis. An allergen is placed on the skin for 48 hours, and the doctor checks the skin for any signs and symptoms after 72 to 96 hours for a better diagnosis and treatment plan.


Our exposure to chemicals, pollutants, allergens, and irritants has increased. But for safety, we must choose products that best suit our health. Exposure to harmful chemicals can be avoided by choosing natural and safe products, preservatives free and nonirritant and do not harm our bodies. Though these conditions can be treated with medical interventions, severe cases can lead to life-threatening diseases like cancer. Therefore, the best way is to shift to a conventional beauty regime or choose a cosmetic product wisely according to your skin type. Read the ingredients carefully for healthy skin and a healthy lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Harmful Chemicals Are Present in Cosmetics?

Paraben, Coal tar, formaldehyde, sulfates, carcinogens, phthalates, fragrances, synthetic colors, talc, toluene, lead, alcohol, hydroquinone, BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene). Various chemicals are added to cosmetic products, which get absorbed into the skin and enter the bloodstream, causing damage to health. Some products' ingredients have carcinogenic (cancer-causing chemicals) effects, while some harmful metals lead to skin damage and other health issues.


Which Is the Most Toxic Effect of Cosmetics?

Cosmetic products sometimes irritate the skin, leading to allergies that need medical attention. In addition, these damage the skin and can become toxic due to their consumption or application. They can also lead to skin allergies and rashes in some cases.


Why Are Chemicals in Cosmetics Harmful?

Chemicals used in cosmetics can be natural and synthetic to provide fragrance. However, some cosmetics have the potential to cause harm to the skin or eyes. They can also lead to skin allergies.


Which Chemical Is Considered Harmful To Face?

The most toxic chemicals used in face cosmetics are Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). Sulfates remove the protective barrier and moisture from the skin. These types of chemicals should be used for a short period.


Which Chemicals Should Not Be Used in Moisturizer?

Isopropyl alcohol, methanol, and benzyl alcohol should not be used in moisturizers. They can lead to irritation or drying of skin. Corrosive substances used in chemicals can lead to severe damage to the skin.


Which Chemicals Should Not Be Used in Skincare?

The chemicals used in face cosmetics are usually sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). They should be avoided as they remove the protective barrier and moisture from the skin. In addition, they can harm the skin and often lead to irritation and allergy.


Is Vaseline Considered Toxic For Skin?

Vaseline is usually considered non-toxic for the skin. When it is thoroughly refined, it serves no health issues. However, people with sensitive skin prone to breakouts should avoid using vaseline.


What Is the Least Toxic Skin Moisturizer Used?

Natural moisturizers include coconut oil, aloe vera, honey, olive oil, and avocado. They do not have harmful chemicals. Instead, they help in the natural nourishment of the skin.


What Is the Healthiest Moisturizer Used for the Face?

The healthiest moisturizer used for the face is coconut oil, aloe vera, honey, olive oil, and avocado. They help in providing moisturization. In addition, they are naturally occurring and do not lead to severe side effects.


Which Face Cream Contains the Least Chemicals?

Green tea oil moisturizer and Cetaphil are considered to have the least chemicals. They do not contain high levels of sulfates or parabens. The face cream should be used only after the patch test.


Which Moisturizer Is Recommended By Dermatologists?

Sebamed, Cetaphil, and Boroline are highly recommended by dermatologists. They contain the least amount of chemicals. They are usually harmless to the skin but, in rare cases, may not suit the individual.


What Are the Benefits of Skin Rejuvenation?

Skin rejuvenation aims to restore skin from any damage caused by health conditions, sun exposure, or a sign of aging. It includes various treatments such as chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing,microneedling, and dermal fillers. The treatment can be finalized only after skin assessment.


What Is the Best Method to Rejuvenate Skin?

Botox is considered to be one of the best methods for skin rejuvenation. It is affordable and has reduced risk factors. It is used to reduce wrinkle formation and deep lines on the face.


Is Rejuvenation Good For Skin?

Rejuvenation helps in collagen formation. It helps to make the skin youthful and fuller. They are used for skin concerns such as scarring, dark spots, and wrinkles. Skin rejuvenation may last from eight months to two years.


How Often Is Skin Rejuvenation Required?

The frequency of skin rejuvenation depends upon the type of skin. It may last for months to years. However, the effects of skin rejuvenation are usually temporary and do not last for a longer period.
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Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop
Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop



cosmetics allergy
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