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HomeAnswersDermatologyacneWhy do I experience small pus-filled bumps on my face?

How to get rid of pus-filled bumps and blackheads on the face?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At May 11, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 11, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

My face has started to break out around my forehead and cheeks. I have started eating healthy, and I rarely wear makeup. My skin type is oily. I wash my face in the morning and at night. My breakouts on the forehead consist of small bumps, and when popped, most of the time white pus comes out. I also have blackheads and headless pimples on my cheeks. What to do?

Please help.

Answered by Dr. Suvash Sahu


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I have seen your query and understand your concern.

It seems you have acne vulgaris. Acne vulgaris is a common skin problem in adolescents and adults. It involves pilosebaceous follicles or oil glands and therefore is seen to involve areas where oil glands are dense like the face, chest, back, and upper arms.

In your case it seems to be grade 1 to grade 2 acne. I suggest you start using a 1 percent Clindamycin (antibiotic) topical gel during daytime over pimples and 3.5 percent Benzoyl peroxide gel at night hour over the whole face for around two to three months. Use a mild face wash twice daily to clean your face. Also, I suggest you do certain dietary restrictions like not eating oily spicy food, junk food, milk products, and nonvegetarian foods. Drink lots of water which helps to hydrate your skin.

Kindly consult a specialist, talk with them, and take medications with their consent.

Hope it helps.

Thanks and regards.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Suvash Sahu
Dr. Suvash Sahu


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