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HomeAnswersInternal Medicineskin rashWhy are the tops of my feet and hands sensitive to touch?

What could be the cause of sensitive feet and hands?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Nidhin Mohan

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At June 29, 2018
Reviewed AtApril 23, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am a 41 year old male with height 5 feet 10 inches and weight 185.1 lbs. I am having a health situation for the last two years where the top of my feet (the area covered under the shoe) gets very sensitive to touch. Even a touch of the cotton pajama feels irritating. My left hand (below where we tie the watch) occasionally burns and has the same 'sensitive to touch' feel as the feet. Sometimes, I have felt the same kind of sensitivity on my nose-tip and edges of the lips. Recently, I am noticing that the finger pads on both the hands have become too sensitive to pressure and the reddish and painful mark remains for a long time even after applying a bit of effort like turning a key in the lock. I am attaching my blood test report from the last month. Kindly help me as this is a very irritating situation and I am finding it difficult to concentrate on work because of this.

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Nidhin Mohan


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I have gone through your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your uric acid is slightly increased. So, avoid red meat and recheck uric acid after three months.

Most of your symptoms point to a neuropathy. So, you need to get a nerve conduction study done. It is done by a neurologist on an OPD basis.

Low calcium levels can cause some of these symptoms. So, I suggest starting tablet Shelcal 500 mg (Calcium and Vitamin D3) once a day for three months. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicine with their consent.

Also, check serum vitamin D levels if symptoms do not improve in the month's time.

For more information consult an internal medicine physician online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/internal-medicine-physician

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for your answer.

I am a regular kidney stone passer and the last one was very big, therefore had to undergo endoscopic lithotripsy six months back.

Would it be safe for me to take a calcium supplement?

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Nidhin Mohan


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Your kidney stone could be related to uric acid. Unless your urine routine is showing a high level of calcium oxalate crystals, there is no harm in taking calcium. Confirm with your urologist before starting.

For more information consult an internal medicine physician online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/internal-medicine-physician

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for your answer.

Please find my last urine test report (attached). Looking at it, do you think it is safe for me to start Calcium? Also, I forgot to mention that I have been taking Febustat 40 for lowering uric acid for the last two months. Therefore, in my humble opinion, I think that uric acid could not be the reason behind it.

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Nidhin Mohan


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Urine routine shows no crystals. You can definitely start calcium supplements. Calcium in diet or supplement will not cause an increase in size or frequency of kidney stone.

You need to decrease meat intake which will be beneficial for both uric acid and kidney stones.

For more information consult an internal medicine physician online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/internal-medicine-physician

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for your answer.

I am very low on meat (once or twice a month) with very limited quantity. Is it fine to continue on chicken and eggs?

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Nidhin Mohan


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Chicken, fish, and eggs in moderation are alright. Avoid red meat and liquor.

For more information consult an internal medicine physician online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/internal-medicine-physician

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for your answer.

I am getting Sandocal-D instead of Shelcal 500. Can I take this?

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Nidhin Mohan


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Yes, Sandocal-D is equivalent to Shelcal. You can take it. You can also continue Neurobion forte.

For more information consult an internal medicine physician online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/internal-medicine-physician

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Kindly have a look at my latest blood report and let me know if there are any possible reasons for the burning in hand and foot.

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Nidhin Mohan


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Your hba1c level is high and needs treatment. You also need vitamin D supplement. Meet the nearest physician for treatment and detailed diet chart.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Nidhin Mohan
Dr. Nidhin Mohan

Internal Medicine

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