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Steroids’ Impact on Growth of Children

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Steroid use can have a significant effect on the growth of children. Read the article for more information.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham

Published At May 23, 2024
Reviewed AtJune 5, 2024


Steroids are widely used in sports and health, but their influence on children's development is a major worry. Childhood and adolescence are key years of development, influencing future health.

What Scenario Steroids Are Therapeutically Prescribed to Children?

  • Asthma and Allergic Reactions: Corticosteroids are routinely used to treat severe asthma and acute allergic responses. They aid to decrease inflammation and enhance breathing.

  • Autoimmune and Inflammatory Conditions: Corticosteroids are used to treat autoimmune and inflammatory conditions such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis, lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis).

  • Certain Cancers: Corticosteroids can be used in the treatment of some cancers, such as leukemia, to decrease inflammation and control chemotherapy side effects.

  • Adrenal Insufficiency: When the adrenal glands do not generate enough steroids naturally (for example, Addison's disease or congenital adrenal hyperplasia), corticosteroids are used to supplement the lacking hormones.

  • Severe Eczema and Skin Disorders: Corticosteroids, both topical and systemic, are used to treat severe eczema and other inflammatory skin disorders, reducing itching and inflammation.

  • Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries: Corticosteroids at high dosages may be administered to minimize edema and inflammation in acute situations.

  • Prevention of Organ Rejection: Corticosteroids can help prevent the immune system from rejecting the new organ in children who have received organ transplants.

  • Certain Infections: Corticosteroids are used to treat severe instances of pneumonia or croup.

What Are the Impacts of Corticosteroids Versus Anabolic Steroids on Children’s Growth?

A. Corticosteroids: Therapeutic Agents

Corticosteroids, such as prednisone and cortisone, imitate hormones produced by the adrenal glands. They are mostly used as anti-inflammatory drugs and help to relieve symptoms of asthma, arthritis, and skin problems. Corticosteroids, when given as recommended, have little effect on children's development.

B. Anabolic Steroids: Performance Enhancers

Anabolic steroids, which are synthetic versions of testosterone, are well-known for their potential to increase muscle mass and athletic prowess. However, their illegal usage, particularly in sports and bodybuilding, raises serious concerns about the effects on children's growth and development.

Understanding the differences between corticosteroids and anabolic steroids is critical for analyzing their impact on children. Corticosteroids are provided for medicinal purposes under medical supervision, but anabolic steroids are frequently misused, posing substantial hazards to young people. In the following sections,will look deeper into the mechanics and effects of steroid usage on children's growth.

What Factors Influence Growth and Development in Children?

Children go through a remarkable period of growth and development, characterized by fast physical and psychological changes. During this critical phase, genetics, diet, and hormone balance all influence their overall growth.

Importance of Growth: Growth during childhood and adolescence is critical for obtaining peak health and well-being. It affects not just physical stature, but also cognitive ability, emotional resilience, and general quality of life. Adequate development is required for children to realize their full potential and prosper in many areas of life.

Factors Influencing Growth: Several variables impact a child's growth trajectory. Genetics plays an important part in defining a child's height and growth patterns. Nutrition also plays an important role since optimal growth requires a sufficient intake of key nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Hormones, such as growth hormones and sex hormones, regulate the complicated processes of development and maturation.

Role of Growth Plates: Development plates play an important role in the skeletal system by promoting longitudinal bone development. Growth plates, which are found at the extremities of long bones, are made up of cartilage cells that multiply and ossify, helping to extend the bone. The appropriate functioning of growth plates is critical for achieving symmetrical development and avoiding abnormalities.

What Are the Mechanisms of Steroids, and How Do Corticosteroids Differ From Anabolic Steroids?

  • Corticosteroids: These chemicals replicate the effects of hormones generated by the adrenal gland. Corticosteroids affect gene expression via binding to glucocorticoid receptors, which results in anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. This process underpins their therapeutic use for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and allergic responses.

  • Anabolic Steroids: Anabolic steroids, unlike corticosteroids, imitate the actions of the principal male sex hormone, testosterone. When they enter cells, they attach to androgen receptors, which regulate gene expression and protein synthesis. This results in increased muscle mass, greater strength, and better athletic performance. However, the use of anabolic steroids without medical supervision can disturb the hormonal balance, resulting in a variety of negative consequences.

Corticosteroids and anabolic steroids both have an effect on the endocrine system, altering the delicate balance of hormones that govern growth and development. In children, this interference can have serious consequences, impacting not just their physical height but also their general health and well-being. Look more into how steroid usage affects children's growth patterns, emphasizing the significance of attention and action in reducing possible hazards in the following sections.

What Are the Risks and Consequences?

  • Short-Term Risks: In children, steroid usage may cause early closure of growth plates, resulting in stunted development and lower height potential. Furthermore, hormonal imbalance can cause delayed puberty, which affects not only physical development but also emotional well-being and social connections. Steroid users frequently experience psychological side effects such as mood swings, anger, and irritation.

  • Long-Term Effects: Prolonged steroid usage in youth can have a negative impact on general health and well-being. Premature closure of growth plates can cause lifelong height deficiencies, affecting self-esteem and quality of life. Furthermore, hormonal imbalances can lead to metabolic disorders, cardiovascular troubles, and musculoskeletal problems later in life. Furthermore, the psychological toll of steroid usage, such as addiction and dependency, can have long-term effects on mental health and social functioning.

  • Impact on Skeletal Health: Steroid usage in children can have an impact on bone density and skeletal health, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures later in life. Steroids disturb the equilibrium between bone creation and resorption, impairing the normal remodeling process and increasing the risk of fractures.

  • Psychological and Social Implications: Steroid usage in youngsters can have serious psychological and social consequences. Stunted development or delayed puberty can cause children to feel ashamed, guilty, and inadequate. Furthermore, the stigma associated with steroid usage can result in social isolation, peer rejection, and scholastic problems.


Steroid usage in children can have major effects on development, hormonal balance, and general health. Proactive efforts, such as education and supporting healthy lifestyles, are critical in combating steroid abuse and protecting children's health. Prioritizing their health will ensure a brighter future for future generations.

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Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham
Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham



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