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How to treat dry skin problem associated with hypothyroidism?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At April 7, 2023
Reviewed AtOctober 6, 2023

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I have had hypothyroidism for 15 years. This summer my skin is extremely dry. The skin on my legs is glassy, shiny, and brittle. I also feel rashes on my face. Please suggest suitable moisturizing creams and remedies. Currently, I am taking Thyronorm 50 for 5 days, and Thyronorm 100 for 2 days a week. My TSH value is 5.23 uIU/mL.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read your query and can understand your concern.

For hands and legs you can apply Moiturex cream and for the face, you can use Physiogel cream. Another good body lotion and face moisturizing lotion is the Cetaphil Restoraderm lotion. Use baby soap or soap-free cleanser for baths and do not scrub the body with a loofah.

Hope this helps.

Thank you and take care.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Thank you for the reply.

I also have itchiness on my scalp with small blood spots. This is very uncomfortable. I do not have dandruff but a lot of hair fall.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I read your query and can understand your concern.

Please answer these questions about your hair concerns.

1. What is your age?

2. Since when do you have hair fall?

3. Did you undergo any major illness or surgery in the last 6 months?

4. Do you have any other chronic health problems?

5. Did you move to a new location recently?

6. Are you on any medications (apart from thyroid medicines)?

7. Do you smoke?

8. If you are married and have children when was your last pregnancy or are you pregnant now?

9. Is your periods regular?

10. Do you have complaints of vague joint pain, excess redness of the face in sun, joint pains, and getting fever frequently?

11. Are you losing hair from a specific area (center of scalp or sides or front)?

12. Are you vegetarian?

13. Are you on any supplements especially gyming supplements and whey proteins?

14. Are you already on or have taken any treatment for hair fall?

Also, check your vitamin B12, vitamin D, and ferritin.

Thank you and take care.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Nidhin Varghese
Dr. Nidhin Varghese


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