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HomeAnswersOtolaryngology (E.N.T)blocked noseHow can recurrent cold with blocked nose be treated?

What are the ways to treat recurrent cold with blocked nose?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Divya Banu M

Published At July 12, 2020
Reviewed AtAugust 8, 2023

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I keep getting mild cold on regular basis for years in morning and have blocked nose on one side and pain near the eye brows, I am allergic to dust but nowadays. I wear mask but still I get cold, I get okay in two days after taking steam. I have started taking some home remedies like ginger, turmeric with milk for almost two months now. Can you help me, please?


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Can you provide more details as to the problems you are facing?

1. Is the nose block always on one side? Which side is it?

2. Is there associated reduced sense of smell or nasal discharge?

3. Is the brow pain also on the same side as nose block?

4. Is there any throat pain or soreness or itch?

5. How often do you get runny nose, sneezing or itching? Only when exposed to dust or otherwise also?

6. Do you smoke or drink or inhale any substances?

7. Where do you work?

8. Do you get any headache or brow pain when you bend down?

9. Is this your first consultation?

10. Any blood tests or scan or endoscopy done for this purpose? Please revert back with as many details as possible.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

I have blocked nose on left side but it will be free after taking a bath or after few hours it is blocked only in the morning when I wake up. My sense of smell does not seem to be affected, I do get headaches near both eyebrows sometimes but for a few minutes a day but it gradually goes away after sometime. I do not drink or smoke. I do sneeze quite often like three days. I do not get like runny nose just mild cold and watery eyes for sometime and goes away after sometime. I have some headaches in temple area as well. I have not done any scans related to it. I work in an hydraulic company where there is a bit of heat but I do not catch cold in the company, I get cold probably when weather changes especially in rainy season. There is no throat pain or itch.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Thanks for providing all the details. With the history given by you, this does not seem to be very serious. Our nasal cavities are quite sensitive to weather and climatic fluctuations. The presence of dust, smoke and soot particles in the air we breathe contributes to these issues as well. In some personnel, the mucosal lining of the nose is extra sensitive and such individuals become sufferers of allergy.

I would suggest you use a plain saline nasal spray few times daily in each nostril whenever you have the block. The spray will moisture the mucosal lining and prevent and dust particles from getting absorbed and irritating the mucosa. The brand name for the spray is Nasoclear Nasal Spray or Solspre Nasal Spray. Additionally take an anti-histaminic, like Allegra 120 (Fexofenadine 120) when the sneezing/nose block is present. One tablet acts for 24 hours and so do not take more than one tablet in a day.

When nose block is present, it will also block the vents of sinuses inside the nose. That leads to headache in the forehead or brow region. With the medicines I gave you headache also should be prevented. Try the medicine and spray for two weeks and see how much improvement you obtain. If you have a good improvement then we shall continue the same treatment, otherwise I shall add another medicine as the need be. Drink plenty of warm water and avoid cold items in general. Use a mask whenever you step outside the house. Do not lie down directly under fan or AC. Keep the room temperature at an optimum level of 25 degrees and not very less. Revert back to me if you need any further support.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Shyam Kalyan. N
Dr. Shyam Kalyan. N

Otolaryngology (E.N.T)

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