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HomeHealth articlesyogaWhat Are the Physiological and Psychological Effects of Yoga on Teenagers?

Psychophysiological Effects of Yoga on Teenagers: An Overview

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Teenagers go through developmental stages and may experience stress and anxiety due to the inability to meet expectations. This can be managed by doing yoga.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop

Published At January 19, 2024
Reviewed AtJanuary 19, 2024


Teenagers are vulnerable to developmental maturation. They face rigorous academic work and also try to be independent. Physical activities may get low in adolescence, and practicing yoga helps in reducing stress and depression and improves general well-being. A sedentary lifestyle causes many health problems in teenagers. Stress affects the mental, physical, intellectual, and social health of teenagers. They possess fewer skills to manage emotions and cope with situations. Yoga and physical activities help in managing stress in students and teenagers.

Yoga originated in India about 5000 years ago and is meant to raise harmony. It gained popularity as it initially helped people organize their thoughts and achieve calmness. In addition, it strengthens the physical and overall mental well-being of an individual. However, it is hard to achieve the benefits of yoga as a person needs to be consistent with the practice. Yoga is also technique-sensitive, and each yoga pose or asanas is meant for different purposes. Certain yoga poses differ in a very slight manner, and altering the technique or practicing without initial supervision may not provide the required benefits. Therefore, it is necessary to take initial coaching from experts for practicing yoga.

What Are the Physiological and Psychological Effects of Yoga on Teenagers?

Yoga is a non-pharmacological and self-empowering way to enhance wellness in teenagers. Pranayama, or breathing exercises, decreases sympathetic activity and causes mental relaxation. Yoga benefits females in the premenstrual and postmenstrual phases by increasing psychological well-being by practicing yoga, posture and spine health, balance, flexibility, coordination, and strength increase.

Suryanamaskara, or sun salutation, helps physical and mental relaxation, brings freshness and rejuvenation, and increases joy and awareness. It reduces sleepiness, worries, negative emotions, and somatic stress. Yoga practices improve mental performance, emotional sensitivity, and focus. It helps teenagers gain a balanced personality trait, leading to academic excellence.

How Does Yoga Help to Manage Depression in Adolescence?

Teenagers might lose interest in the activities they have enjoyed before and might also face sadness, weight fluctuation, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, decreased focus, sleeping problems, and, in extreme cases, suicidal tendencies. Depression can be due to many reasons: genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, stress, or chemical imbalance. In mild depression, the person may get about five to six symptoms of depression. In severe depression, the person shows most of the symptoms of depression. Moderate depression has symptoms between mild and severe. A teenager facing depression might also get other psychosocial conditions. A combination of medication with psychotherapy helps in effectively managing depression in teenagers. In addition, medical yoga therapy, including meditation and yoga postures, helps treat the condition.

Mindfulness practice and exercises are the essential medication required to treat depression. A teenager with depression feels helpless, and yoga has the ability to communicate such feelings. It also helps the person to take required medications and other treatment methods. In addition, yoga makes the person think that the treatments are decided by the self and not by a different person. This thinking helps in active participation in undertaking the treatments.

How Does Yoga Influence the Development of Adolescence?

Cognitive, biological, and social changes occur in the teenage. These are developmental changes, and teenagers face stress and emotional shifts while going through such transitions. People at this age may show low academic engagement and struggle with school and related experiences. Some may also experience reduced self-esteem and low mood, and the symptoms may worsen into depression. Girls are usually more prone to anxiety in this age group. In addition, school transitions can also cause emotional and mental struggles in teenagers.

Biological and developmental changes in teenagers include alterations in motivation, arousal, emotion, and risky behavior. Puberty is associated with hormonal changes in mood and behaviors. There are chances of development of dissatisfaction in the physical appearance, especially in girls. This problem is further influenced by cultural differences. Practicing yoga improves self-awareness and acceptance in teenagers. It offers satisfaction in physical appearance and reduces self-objectification.

What Is the Importance of Meditation in Teenagers?

Meditation is a mindful practice that reduces anxiety and increases attention and concentration. It can increase calmness and participative qualities. Meditation helps to build a bond with the mind, body, and soul. It can increase empathy and joy. It also helps teenagers to manage their situations and emotions effectively. Meditation helps to reduce anger and frustration faced by the females who started experiencing the initial menstrual cycles. It helps to improve sleep and productivity. Meditating consistently allows students to stay focused on their studies and excel in examinations and tests.

How Does Yoga Affect Mental Health in Teenagers?

Yoga includes practicing asana (postures), Yama (moral codes), Niyama(rules and guidelines), Pranayama (breathing technique), and meditation. Practicing each form of yoga helps balance success and failure in the student's or a teenager's life. The following are the ways by which yoga affects the brain:

  • Yoga poses and meditation helps move the sympathetic nervous system (flight or fight mode) to parasympathetic (rest and digest mode). Anxiety decreases, and calmness is induced by the parasympathetic nervous system activation.

  • While practicing yoga, the brain releases chemicals that induce joy, calmness, and relaxation.

  • By practicing yoga, the frontal lobe of the brain (the largest part of the brain responsible for emotional expression, memory, and problem-solving). The frontal lobe is affected in the case of mental disorders. By doing yoga, the brain slows down the activity related to developing negative thoughts and expressions and prevents mental health problems.


Practicing yoga helps introduce a mindful routine to a teenager's life. It makes the person aware of the external world, mind, body, and soul and helps improve self-esteem and academic performance. The practice reduces stress, anxiety, and menstrual difficulties and improves concentration. It also enhances social development. Teenage marks the emergence of new characters and skills. It is the apt age to make necessary changes in a person's life. The teenager who has learned to manage emotions and life situations effectively will be able to face and manage difficulties in the adulthood phase. The teenage group is vulnerable and should be taken care of best.

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Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop
Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop



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