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Yoga for Increasing Concentration in Kids - An Overview

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Yoga, an age-old practice rooted in India, has emerged as a holistic solution for enhancing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Written by

Dr. Asma. N

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham

Published At February 5, 2024
Reviewed AtFebruary 14, 2024


Introducing yoga to children at an early age can provide them with a valuable foundation for comprehending the significance of stretching and mindful breathing. These fundamental skills, in turn, empower them to enhance their focus and manage stress effectively. Improved concentration can have a positive impact on children's learning capabilities and cognitive development. Additionally, yoga's enriching practice nurtures the brain, fostering the creation of new neural connections, which prepare it for tackling intricate tasks and challenges.

How Can Yoga Be Used to Increase Concentration in Kids?

Yoga can help in discovering the art of mindfulness, a practice that fosters mental awareness and presence. Mindful yoga sessions offer children a unique opportunity to channel their focus onto their breath, movements, and sensations, ultimately honing their ability to concentrate. Ways in which yoga can help improve children's concentration include:

  • Yoga supports children's concentration by encouraging mindfulness and observing their breath and physical sensations, enhancing focus on demanding tasks.

  • A key aspect of yoga is the emphasis on controlled breathing, which serves to soothe young minds, promoting inner calm.

  • Yoga can be instrumental in managing stress and anxiety among children.

  • It can also enhance the posture of their growing bodies.

  • Yoga serves as a valuable tool for instilling discipline and self-control in children.

  • Furthermore, it sparks a child's imagination and creativity.

  • It contributes to improved emotional regulation.

  • Additionally, yoga can boost a child's self-esteem.

  • Yoga is known to increase both concentration and memory capacity in children.

  • It also promotes flexibility and strength in their developing bodies.

Which Yoga Poses Are Helpful in Increasing Concentration in Kids?

Some yoga poses that help increase concentration in kids include:

  1. Dhyana (Meditation): In this seated posture, with crossed legs and hands resting gently on the knees. It paves the way for a profound meditation experience, where undivided attention converges on a single focal point. This formidable pose not only alleviates stress but also enriches mental and emotional harmony.

  2. Vrikshasana: This asana is affectionately known as the tree pose. It involves standing firmly on both feet, with one foot's sole gracefully positioned against the inner thigh of the other leg. The hands can either be brought close to the chest or raised above the head, palms joined. This posture is a masterful enhancer of both balance and focus.

  3. Garudasana: This particular asana is often called the eagle pose, where the arms and legs are elegantly entwined while maintaining a straight and upright stance. This graceful twist not only enhances the balance but also sharpens the ability to concentrate, thereby boosting the focus. The playful and fun nature of this pose makes it an engaging choice, even for kids.

  4. Malasana: Known as garland pose, this yoga posture involves bending the knees and assuming a squatting position while bringing the palms together in front of the heart. This graceful pose not only enhances the flexibility of the lower back, hips, and groins but also promotes improved blood circulation in the pelvic region.

  5. Bhujangasana: This pose, alternatively known as the cobra pose, requires one to lie on one's stomach with legs extended and feet kept together. Placing the palms on the ground beneath the shoulders, the practitioner elevates the head, chest, and upper abdomen above the ground. Embracing this asana not only fosters flexibility in the spine but also promotes a more resilient and supple back.

  6. Adho Mukha Svanasana: This posture is often called the downward-facing dog pose. In this position, both feet and palms are firmly grounded while the hips ascend towards the ceiling, forming a distinct V shape. Practicing this asana not only imparts strength to the spine but also fortifies the core muscles.

  7. Balasana: This soothing asana, affectionately known as the child's pose, involves kneeling on the floor, sitting back on the heels, extending the arms forward, and gently resting the forehead on the ground. It is a tranquil posture that effectively eases the mind, inducing a profound sense of relaxation.

  8. Sarvangasana: This particular yoga posture is often referred to as the shoulder stand. In this pose, the body delicately balances on the shoulders while the legs reach upward. It is an asana known for enhancing blood circulation to the brain, elevating mental alertness, and engaging the core muscles with finesse.

  9. Chakrasana: Frequently called the wheel pose, this yoga position transforms the body into an arched, wheel-like shape. This versatile pose is particularly beneficial for children, as it can enhance their concentration, fortify their arms and legs, and heighten their body awareness.

  10. Savasana: Known as the corpse pose, this asana invites one to recline on the back with feet slightly apart and palms facing upwards, surrendering the body to stillness. This serene posture is a potent stress reducer, fostering mental alertness, deepening body awareness, and contributing to improved sleep quality.

How Should These Yoga Poses Be Performed?

  • To perform these yoga poses effectively, it is important to find a quiet and clean place in a safe and secure environment.

  • It is advisable to avoid consuming heavy meals before practicing yoga, as a light stomach is more conducive to the practice.

  • Wearing comfortable clothing allows for freedom of movement and does not restrict the body's natural range of motion.

  • When beginning the yoga session, start with gentle stretches to warm up the muscles.

  • Remember to focus strongly on the breath throughout the practice, using it as an anchor to keep the mind centered and calm.

  • Maintaining proper alignment in every yoga pose not only ensures safety but also maximizes the benefits of each posture.

  • Consistency is key to improving in yoga, so make it a habit to practice regularly.

  • An anti-slip mat is essential to provide a stable pose surface, preventing accidental slips and injuries during practice.


Yoga emerges as a powerful ally for sharpening kids' concentration skills, benefiting both mind and body. The fusion of physical poses, mindful awareness, and focused breathing weaves a tapestry that amplifies children's capacity to concentrate and excel in their diverse undertakings. Moreover, the engaging and interactive aspects of yoga make it a delightful pursuit for young ones, nurturing their enthusiasm and determination to boost their focus and concentration.

Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham
Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham



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