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HomeAnswersInternal Medicineweight lossI want to decrease my weight quickly. Please help.

What is the fastest way to reduce weight?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Sugandh Garg

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At February 19, 2023
Reviewed AtNovember 29, 2023

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

How can I lose 10 pounds quickly?

I have tried everything, and I feel really bad about myself.

I do not go out because I do not fit properly in the clothes I would like to wear. I know there are people with bigger problems, but this truly affects my mind, so please help me. I exercise and also do weight training with a teacher. My diet is different. I do eat protein and cut bread out.

Is there anything I could take to go faster?

Please help.

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Sugandh Garg


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Yoga and exercises as health permits will help gradually. Do diet modification. Get physically examined and investigated to rule out any medical condition and treat accordingly. Eat a low-carb diet, and drink plenty of water and fluids. Get yourself fully investigated, including a complete hemogram, blood sugar, thyroid profile, lipid profile, blood pressure, and urine test. Rule out any medical or surgical conditions, and if any, treat them accordingly.

What is your weight?

Here are recommendations to reduce weight, but they might need modifications for your health, such as personal preference test reports.

  1. Reduce fat oils, Junk food, outside food, and sugar.
  2. Avoid desi ghee, fried foods, non-veg, and alcohol.
  3. Take a basic simple home-based, healthy nutritional diet.
  4. Never lie down immediately after consuming food. Instead, after a meal, either do a light walk or do normal household chores or your work.
  5. Avoid sitting for a prolonged period.
  6. Do exercises, walk.
  7. Do yoga, pranayama, and gym as health permits and start gradually.
  8. Do brisk walking in the morning and evening.
  9. Drink plenty of water or fluids.
  10. Take buttermilk, curd, milk, and lemon water.
  11. Cut on fruit juices, packaged food, and liquid.
  12. Take dairy products that are double-toned.
  13. Avoid butter, cream, and cheese.
  14. Drink at least two liters of water a day.
  15. Drink at least two glasses of water in the morning after you get up on an empty stomach.
  16. Limit the chapatti intake, and do not oil your chapati.
  17. Increase pulses, green vegetables, fresh fruit, soup, and salad in your diet.
  18. Eat oats for breakfast.
  19. If taking an egg, avoid the yolk.
  20. Take a healthy, full lunch.
  21. Cut down on dinner with no chapatti but only a bowl full of vegetables.
  22. For snacks, make soup, salads, and fruit.
  23. Do not use many oils in cooking.
  24. Suppose anemia is confirmed, though you have not mentioned the levels. Please mention now to start medication or diet modification.
  25. Foods rich in iron can be taken, which includes spinach. Try experimenting and having boiled food at times.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Sugandh Garg
Dr. Sugandh Garg

Internal Medicine

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