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HomeHealth articlesmdmaWhat Are the Harmful Effects of MDMA (Ecstacy)?

MDMA Intoxication - Causes, Effects, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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MDMA (3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine) or ecstasy is a recreational psychoactive drug used at rave parties. Read the article to know about it.

Written by

Dr. Osheen Kour

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop

Published At November 17, 2022
Reviewed AtDecember 29, 2023

What Is MDMA?

MDMA (3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine) or ecstasy is an illegal drug used at nightclubs and parties for substance abuse showing chemical properties similar to hallucinogens and stimulants. These drugs give a feeling of emotional warmth and pleasure, increase energy levels, and false perceptions that disturb the sensory system. The drug is used very high doses to enhance mood and enjoyment, giving floating sensations and causing vomiting and seizures. The drug effects are felt after 20 minutes to one hour of consumption and continue to last up to three to four hours. Once the drug's effect is over and the ecstasy comes down to normal levels, withdrawal symptoms can be felt for two to three days and sometimes last for a week. MDMA was synthesized in 1992 by a German company for using it as an appetite suppressant, and it became a street drug in the 1980s. Its abuse became common among young adults and college-going students in the 1990s; ecstasy has been used in rave parties and nightclubs across countries.

What Are the Common Names For MDMA?

  • Moly (molecular).

  • Disco biscuit.

  • Ecstasy.

  • Lover’s speed.

  • X.

How Do People Use MDMA?

Ecstasy is usually found either in powdered form snorted or can be available as a capsule or tablet, directly swallowed or crushed and ingested. The drug can be taken in liquid form or used in smoking but is injected rarely. Drug abusers can take multiple pills at a time or slowly over some time, and the effects of drugs usually last for three to six hours. Sometimes MDMA is taken along with other psychoactive drugs (LSD), alcohol, or marijuana.

How Does MDMA Work in a Body?

MDMA works by initiating the ‘fight and flight’ response of the brain by acting as a stimulant and causing the release of adrenaline and other hormones in the brain. This chemical rush in the brain makes the abuser energetic, refreshed, and active. The drug also elevates serotonin and dopamine chemicals in the brain, evoking a feeling of love and peace. But, unfortunately, it also influences the insight of a person’s sight and sound and disturbs the sense of reality.

What Are the Symptoms Of MDMA Intoxication?

  • Increased heart palpitations.

  • Increased blood pressure and body temperature.

  • Confusion.

  • Dizziness.

  • Muscle cramps or twitching.

  • Vomiting.

  • Seizures.

What Are the Effects of On the Body?

  • Blurred vision.

  • Sweating.

  • Increased blood pressure.

  • Hallucinations.

  • Euphoria.

  • Chills.

  • Dehydration.

  • Muscle cramping.

  • Nausea.

  • Teeth clenching.

  • Libido.

  • Depression.

  • Aggression.

  • Impulsive behavior.

  • Disturbed sleep pattern.

  • Anxiety.

  • Loss of appetite.

  • Loss of memory and focus.

How Does MDMA Affect the Brain?

MDMA drug activates the brain hormones or chemicals after drug abuse:

  • Serotonin- MDMA abuse can cause the release of this hormone in large amounts, affecting a person's sleep, appetite, and mood. This chemical triggers the sexual arousal and trust hormones in the brain and gives a feeling of empathy and emotional closeness.

  • Dopamine- The hormone increases the energy levels in the body and acts by giving motivation and pleasurable rewards and stimulates reinforcing behaviors.

  • Norepinephrine- The hormone increases blood pressure and heart rate; therefore, MDMA abuse can be risky as it can stimulate this brain chemical.

What Are the Long-Term Effects Of MDMA?

  • Depression.

  • Flu or cold.

  • Loss of memory.

  • Concentration issues.

  • Liver damage.

  • Life-long damage to brain cells that produce serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain.

  • Skin lesions, blood poisoning, HIV, or hepatitis if MDMA is used in IV form through a single shared needle.

  • Increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases due to unprotected sex.

  • Drug dependency and the need for other drugs like alcohol or marijuana to subside the effects of MDMA drugs.

What Are the Serious Complications Caused By MDMA Drugs?

  • Kidney failure.

  • Cardiac arrest.

  • Kidney diseases.

  • Diabetes.

  • Epilepsy.

  • Hypertension.

  • Stroke.

  • Psychiatric disorders.

  • Hyperthermia.

  • Dehydration.

What Are the Overdose Signs For MDMA?

The following symptoms must be watched for in case of MDMA abuse to prevent any mishappening:

  • Unconsciousness.

  • Feeling faint.

  • High blood pressure.

  • Panic attacks.

  • Seizures.

How Can We Diagnose MDMA In the Body?

  • Blood- MDMA can be detected in the blood even after one or two days of consumption because it mixes with the blood to its highest concentration in just two hours.

  • Urine- MDMA can be present in urine for two to four days after drug abuse.

  • Hair- Traces of all the drugs consumed can be found in a person's hair follicles for almost a month.

  • False Positive Testing- The lab must be informed to avoid confusion if someone consumes other drugs or supplements. This can prevent a false positive test report, and additional tests can be done for confirmation.

How Can We Treat MDMA Intoxication?

There is no specific treatment available for MDMA drug abuse or addiction. However, it can be managed by giving essential supportive therapy to the person. Breathing and circulation must be stabilized initially, and if a respiratory failure occurs, airway obstruction is removed by intubating the person and using proper standard medication. Further, hypertension, tachycardia, and shivering can be treated with benzodiazepines. In case of severe hyperthermia, an ice bath can be given to lower the body temperature because the body cannot tolerate such a high temperature for longer.

Other treatments or management techniques include:

  • Detoxification.

  • Group therapy.

  • Behavioral therapy.

  • Individual counseling.

  • Peer support.


The illegal sale and consumption of MDMA drugs in parties and raves have some reported cases of fatalities and dangerous consequences in a short timeframe. In addition, the drug, combined with other psychoactive drugs, can severely affect a person's health. Strict federal and state laws have been made, and penalties are documented for consuming, possessing, supplying, or driving under the influence of the drug. Therefore, its consumption for illegal purposes should be avoided, and any known abuse case must be counseled and motivated for timely treatment.

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop
Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop



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