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How to Get Rid of Blackheads?

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4 min read


Blackheads are a kind of acne that appear when a pore is clogged by cell debris and excess oil, forming a tiny plug of sebum.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav

Published At April 16, 2022
Reviewed AtMay 9, 2024


Blackheads are milder forms of acne that commonly develop on the face and neck. They are black, and they are easy to spot on the skin because of their dark color. It is a common skin disorder that most people in the United States experience. In medical terms, it is called open comedones. This article is about what blackheads are, how they are formed, and some practical and inexpensive ways to get rid of them.

What Are Blackheads?

Blackheads are small black-colored bumps that develop on the skin due to clogged hair follicles. They are commonly seen on the face and the neck, but they can develop anywhere on the skin where more hair follicles are present, such as the chest, arms, back, and shoulder. These blackheads contain oxidized melanin and not dirt. The common misconception is that blackheads contain trapped dust or dirt, but blackheads are not related to the cleanliness of the skin. Blackheads do not fade away when squeezing or scrubbing. It only gets worse when doing so.

How Are Blackheads Formed?

Every follicle contains hair and a sebaceous gland. This sebaceous gland produces oil called sebum, which helps keep the skin soft. When the opening of the hair follicles gets clogged, the dead skin cells and the excess oil get collected at the opening, resulting in a bump. If the skin over the bump is opened, the dead skin cells react with the oxygen present in the air, causing it to look black.

What Are the Causes of Blackheads?

There are a few risk factors that can increase the risk of developing blackheads. Some of these include:

  • Hormonal changes are the foremost cause of blackheads. When the hormone level changes, there is a rise in the production of sebum, resulting in blackheads. This hormonal change is more common during puberty. Androgen, which is the male sex hormone, triggers sebum production. Both boys and girls have high amounts of androgen during puberty. Even after puberty, there can be hormonal changes related to menstruation, pregnancy, and the usage of contraceptive pills. So, the chances of women having blackheads are high.

  • Excessive production of skin cells by the body.

  • Blocking the pores by cosmetic products or clothing.

  • Excessive sweating.

  • High humidity.

  • Shaving or any other activity that can open the hair follicles.

  • Certain conditions include polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

  • Stress.

  • Using steroid drugs like corticosteroids (steroid hormones).

What Do Blackheads Look Like?

Blackheads are small, tiny, black-colored bumps commonly appearing on the face, chin, neck, back, chest, arms, and shoulders. They are flat bumps, unlike pimples. These blackheads are non-inflammatory.

What Common Mistakes Do People Do to Treat Blackheads?

  • Using harsh scrubs can make it worse.

  • Manually trying to extract the blackheads by popping or squeezing them. Doing so can cause the follicle to rupture and turn into a severe skin condition.

  • Using suction devices can be harmful to delicate skin.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads?

Squeezing, picking, and popping are the wrong approaches to get rid of these blackheads. Here are a few of the proven ways to treat blackheads:

  • Salicylic acid.

  • Topical retinoids.

  • Chemical peels.

  • Exfoliation.

  • Use of skin brush.

Salicylic Acid:

When looking for an over-the-counter cream, individuals should look for this ingredient given on the label. Salicylic acid is commonly found in skin cleansers. It breaks down the dead skin cells and the excess oil before it gets clogged. Salicylic acid can be too much for certain people's skin conditions, so they can notice how it reacts with their skin. They can talk to their doctor before using it or when they notice any unusual signs or symptoms after using it.

Topical Retinoids:

Retinoids are known to unclog the pores. These retinoids are made from vitamin A, and they also help in the formation of new skin cells. Individuals can purchase retinoid creams only with a prescription. Retinoid creams should be applied before bed or indoors, as retinoids make the skin more sensitive to UV (ultraviolet) rays.

Chemical Peels:

Usually, chemical peels are used to remove sun-damaged skin and minor scars, but they also work for certain types of acne. Chemical peels remove the top layer of the skin, thereby removing the blackheads and other debris. The common ingredients present in the chemical peels include salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and retinoic acid.


This process is done to remove the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. One needs to exfoliate gently, as rubbing too hard can result in irritation and more noticeable pores.

Use of Skin Brush:

A skin brush is used to clean the built-up debris. Using a skin brush can also reduce the signs of aging. However, it is important to rehydrate the skin by using some moisturizers after using a skin brush.

What Are the Dos and Don'ts to Keep Blackheads Under Control?

  • Do not sleep with the makeup. Remove the makeup and cleanse the face before going to bed.

  • Cleanse one’s face regularly.

  • Try to avoid alcohol-based cosmetic products.

  • Shampoo the hair regularly.

  • Do not keep touching the face often.

  • Try some non-abrasive cleansers.

  • Try to change the pillow covers regularly.

  • Try to avoid sun exposure because certain skin products can be sensitive to UV (ultraviolet) rays.

Is It Possible to Treat Blackheads at Home?

A few natural methods can be used to cure blackheads:

  • Tea tree oil can inhibit or stop bacterial growth. Using a cotton applicator, dab a tiny bit of tea tree oil onto the blackheads.

  • Sugar and salt scrubs are two types of scrubs that remove dead skin cells from the skin's surface by scraping them away. After wetting the face, massage the skin for up to 30 seconds in tiny, circular strokes after using a salt or sugar scrub on the troublesome areas. When finished, wash the skin with water.

  • Applying wet green tea leaves to the skin can help lower its oil production. Antioxidants are also found in green tea. Green tea leaves should be dampened by adding water and then rubbing the wet leaves into the skin in tiny circular movements for a maximum of 30 seconds. When finished, wash the face with water.

Do Blackheads Naturally Disappear?

Depending on how deep they are in the skin, blackheads may occasionally disappear independently. A blackhead is more likely to disappear on its own if it is near the skin's surface. On the other hand, certain blackheads may be firmly implanted in the skin. Blackheads that are deeply ingrained do not disappear on their own. A dermatologist or medical aesthetician can extract buried blackheads.

Is It Permissible to Extract Blackheads?

Blackheads can be highly pleasant and enticing to pop or squeeze out. But extracting blackheads can lead to several issues:

  • It might not come off in its entirety. The action may force the blackhead deeper into the skin, which can irritate it severely.

  • One might contaminate the blackhead hole with bacteria or extra oil.

  • Applying excessive pressure to the skin with the nails in an attempt to eliminate a blackhead might cause severe irritation or skin damage.


Blackheads are among the most frequent kinds of acne. Blackheads can affect everyone, though those with oily skin are more susceptible to getting them. Blackheads that do not respond to the treatments or those damaged by popping or squeezing may require a visit to a dermatologist. Taking proper care at the right time can prevent the worsening of the condition.

Frequently Asked Questions


How to Remove Blackheads?

Blackheads can be removed by the following methods:
- Wash your face with a gentle cleanser at least twice daily, and after workout.
- Steam your face with a face steamer.
- If you need to squeeze, never use your nails. Instead, an extractor tool can be used.
- Exfoliate regularly. Chemical peeling is better than physical ones. Glycolic acid, lactic acid, and salicylic acid are the ingredients to look out for.
- Use pore strips, which removes the tapped debris by plucking it out.
- Use moisturizer regularly to keep the skin’s oil levels balanced.
- Apply a topical retinoid, which repairs damaged cells, removes dead skin, and decreases clog formation.


How to Remove Blackheads on the Nose?

Blackheads on the nose can be easily removed at home by using home-made scrubs like baking soda and lemon juice scrub, oatmeal scrub. Apply these scrubs on the face and leave them there for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.


How to Remove Blackheads on the Cheeks?

Blackheads on cheeks can be removed by the following:
- Use salicylic acid products.
- Use clay masks at least 2 to 3 times a week.
- Use chemical and physical exfoliators.
- Use non comedogenic oils on cheeks.
- Use vacuum tool in adjunct with other treatment methods.
- Use retinoids.
- Go for professional treatment.


What Is the Appearance of Blackheads?

Blackheads have the appearance of tiny black dots on the skin.


Is Removing Blackheads Good for Skin?

Squeezing blackheads is not good for skin as it may tear the skin, may allow entry of bacteria, and may damage the pore. However, proper blackhead removal techniques can be used after a hot shower or steaming.


What Happens If Blackheads Are Left As It Is?

If blackheads are not removed then the pores can become inflamed, and can eventually lead to acne.


What Is Considered As the Best Blackhead Remover?

Using the Adapalene gel treatment regularly is the best blackhead remover method to be used at home.


How to Remove a Deep Blackhead?

A deep blackhead should be removed by a medical professional only, a dermatologist or a medical esthetician. Superficial blackheads can be easily removed at home by various methods.


Do Blackheads Go Away on Their Own?

Blackheads can go away naturally, but not always. If the blackhead is superficial and close to the skin surface then it can go away on its own. The deep blackheads need to be removed.


Should Vaseline Be Used for Treating Blackheads?

Vaseline is not good for treating blackheads because it can clog pores. However, skin should be kept moisturized with non comedogenic products.


Why Does Blackheads Always Appear on My Nose?

Nose has the maximum number of sebaceous glands on the face. These glands are present in pores along with hair follicles. When the pores or hair follicles gets clogged; the sebum, dirt, dead skin or bacteria gets collected in them, causing blackheads.


How to Get Rid of Blackheads At Home?

Blackheads can be removed at home by following the given tips:
- Cleanse face regularly.
- Use oil-free cosmetics and skincare products.
- Maintain proper hygiene, particularly of hands and nails.
- Consume a balanced diet and avoid oily foods.
- Drink lots of water.


Is It Safe to Use Blackhead Remover Strips?

Blackhead remover strips yield temporary results. They do not cause any major damage. However, they can lead to redness and skin irritation, especially in patients of rosacea, psoriasis, or those using prescribed anti-acne medications.
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Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav
Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav



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