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HomeAnswersAndrologydifficulty in concentratingI am struggling with memory and negative thoughts. Please help.

How to treat memory issues and negative thoughts?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Medically reviewed by

Dr. K. Shobana

Published At August 31, 2017
Reviewed AtApril 23, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I have symptoms related to the mind and body. I have no clarity in thinking. I cannot make any decisions. Even if I do, the moment I make the decision, I get negative thoughts and a sudden jerk in my mind with a sensation of fear. Also, I have on and off memory issues. It appears fine some days and on others, I have a difficulty with memory retention. I am very prone to irritation, interruption of thoughts, cannot think clearly, confusion in mind, low mental stamina, unable to focus, no concentration, loss of conscious mind, on and off slurred speech, mild depression and severe headache. This ache covers my mind so that I cannot think anything and it stresses me out. I am a spiritual person. But, these problems are not allowing me to experience any spiritual knowledge. The knowledge I experience now will not stay with me after a few days. On some days, I will not have any of these issues and feel all fine, but then again after some time, it recurs. I had experienced these problems last year when I had a B12 deficiency and got cured when the levels were treated. But, this time after taking so many B12 supplements still the problems are not resolving. I have digestion issues as well. From around five months, I am experiencing this issue. Still, the issue persists and it takes lot of time to digest food and other problems. My gastro confirmed that there are no structural issues with my GI tract, and gave medicines for indigestion, but there is not much of an improvement till date.

I have a fissure in the center of the tongue. Earlier, it was small and now it has become big. I also have back pain, body pains, and nerve pains, small sores in the side walls of mouth, small dots on the tip of the tongue, anal itching, burning sensation in the anus after passing stools, a yellowish coating on the tongue, low sexual interest, and premature ejaculation. I am unable to gain weight as well. All these problems started last year. I have consulted several doctors but did not obtain a proper cure till date. One doctor here asked me to consult a psychiatrist. So, you are my hope.

Answered by Dr. Ashok Kumar


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read your query with keen interest and understand your concerns. Regarding the attached reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), I like to comment on the following things. Your vitamin B12 deficiency is corrected. There is excessive vitamin B12 in your body currently, and all forms of supplements of vitamin B12 need to be stopped. There is a deficiency of vitamin D3 and supplements need to be taken on a regular basis. Although there are multiple options, either take Neuro D3 60000 IU per week from Sun Pharma or Calcirol sachet 60000 once a week. The presence of cracks on the tongue and angles of the mouth indicates a deficiency of vitamin B1 to B6. Taking a vitamin B supplement is recommended. The simplest option available is Becosules Z. The presence of anal itching, failure to gain weight and a burning sensation while passing stools point towards worm infestation.

The presence of vitamin B complex deficiency almost confirms it. If you have stopped your worm medication, I suggest taking Albendazole (Zentel) 400 mg stat and another tablet after one week (total two tablets). Regarding the other symptoms, there is enough evidence to suggest there are anxiety issues. The lack of concentration, nerve pains, indigestion, memory problems, negative thoughts, irritability, inability to enjoy life in its present form, indecisiveness, inability to think properly and lot more can be explained by anxiety disorder alone and nothing else. You may argue that you do not have any anxiety right now but, the fluctuating nature of the illness (sometime better and sometimes worse), again leaves anxiety disorder as the explanation of all these symptoms. I suggest you take a prescription from a local doctor or your specialist for the following medications provided you are convinced with my opinion. Alternatively, you can have a word with me through video consultation to discuss all aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of the present problem. Take Tablet Nexito LS (Escitalopram), one tablet at bed time, Tablet Albendazole 400 mg stat and repeat after one week, Tablet Becosules Z (multivitamin supplement) one tablet once a day, and Capsule Neuro D3 (Vitamin D3) 60000 IU once a week. I hope this helps you. Feel free to write back to me if you have more questions.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Ashok Kumar
Dr. Ashok Kumar


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