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Why am I not able to maintain my erection during penetration?

Why am I not able to maintain my erection during penetration?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At March 7, 2017
Reviewed AtFebruary 23, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am a 26 year old male who got married a year back. I am not able to maintain my erection while penetration, as a result, cannot have sexual intercourse. I do not face this problem when I masturbate.


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  • You have not provided sufficient information. Please elaborate more on your problem, for me to help you better.
  • For now, I can suggest you use a water-based lubricant like K-Y jelly for lubrication.

Revert with more information to a sexologist online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/sexologist

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for replying. I lose my erection as soon as I try to penetrate and my wife's vagina is also very tight. She feels pain when I insert my fingers also. I am very disappointed as we are planning for a baby. My cholesterol level is 240 mg/dL, and I do not have any other health issues. Is there any medicine to help with intercourse without side effects?


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  • Your wife might have an intact hymen, which is causing her pain. There is no bony part in the vagina which can obstruct you from entering, the vaginal wall is very flexible and gets adjusted according to the penis size.
  • Also, your wife's vaginal muscles can contract (vaginismus), causing pain and difficulty to penetrate, this is more of anxiety issues. She can try some relaxation exercises. Make your wife relax, gain her confidence and do not be in a hurry. Give more time for foreplay, and do not be anxious.
  • I suggest you try the following after consulting your specialist doctor.
  1. Use water-based lubricants or Conceive plus (fertility lubricants) or an extra lubricated condom.
  2. Tablet Tadalafil 10 mg once in a week to maintain erection.
  • I need more information regarding the following. What is the age of your wife? Was it a love marriage or an arranged marriage? How long have you dated each other before getting married? Have you had a talk about sexual activity at that time?

Revert with more information to a sexologist online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/sexologist

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for replying. Ours was a love marriage, and my wife is three months younger to me. Initially, she was very reluctant to get intimate, and I did not force her. After 4 to 6 months we started trying to get intimate and facing this problem. Initially, there were some issues related to my job also. We are in a good relation, but no sexual intimacy. I am very nervous as it has already been a year and my wife is putting pressure on me. I masturbate twice a week, and my wife prefers to get intimate at night and I prefer morning. Can you please suggest a sex position for amateurs?


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  • Thanks for sharing the details. I would like to tell you that you both are totally healthy, try not to get nervous and talk to each other a lot.
  • Early morning is the best to get intimate but on mutual understanding.
  • Indulge more in foreplay as it will give more confidence to your wife.
  • There is no specific position for amateurs, but you can try female on top position as it will relax the vaginal muscles so that it will be easy for penetration. Also, try clitoral stimulation before penetration.

For further queries consult a sexologist online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/sexologist

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Mittal
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Mittal


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