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Back Trauma - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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Injury to the back region due to direct trauma or developmental or degenerative diseases associated with pain, restricted movement, and weakness.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Suman Saurabh

Published At January 18, 2023
Reviewed AtJanuary 3, 2024


The region between the neck and the pelvic area is the back region. It comprises the vertebral column (spinal cord), intervertebral disks, joints, and two compartments of muscles, namely, the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. The main functions of the back include; the protection of the spinal cord, maintaining a proper posture, coordination of limb movements, assisting respiration, and supporting the body weight. The bones and muscles help coordinate the head position with the body movements preventing extreme flexion and extension.

What Is Back Trauma?

An injury affecting any area of the back region, including bones, muscles, nerves, or blood vessels, may be termed back trauma. Injuries to the lower back region are commonly seen, causing severe pain and discomfort and limiting movements. It can happen suddenly (acute) or slowly over time (chronic). It may be due to fractures, wear, and tear, developmental disorders, or direct injuries to the backbones and muscles.

What Are the Types of Back Trauma?

Different types of back trauma include:

  • Back Pain: Pain in the back region due to injuries, exerting excessive force on the back muscles such as lifting heavy objects, occupational reasons like sitting or standing for long periods, sudden twisting or turning movements, or due to age-related diseases. It may be a dull and achy pain or a sharp and stabbing pain, depending on the cause.

  • Back Sprain and Strain: A tear in the ligament or stretching of a muscle, leading to inflammation and spasm. It usually causes severe pain and restricts movement. The spasm of the muscles results in the immobilization of the muscles, preventing further damage to the ligaments and joints.

  • Herniated Disks: Bulging or inflammation, or rupturing of the intervertebral disks (cushion-like material in between the vertebrae) causes irritation to the nerves. It leads to severe pain, which radiates to other parts of the body, like the neck, legs, and feet.

  • Fracture of Vertebrae: Direct injuries to the back, such as vehicle accidents or a blow to the back, may lead to fractures. It may be a simple compression fracture wherein there may be a break only in the bone or a complex or a burst fracture wherein the bones get displaced along with the injury to the soft tissues. Fractures lead to severe pain and swelling and also limit movement.

  • Spondylolisthesis: A spinal disorder where the vertebra slips out of its position onto the bone below it, leading to severe pain, muscle stiffness, and nerve crowding resulting in numbness. It may occur due to developmental deformities, sports injuries, trauma, or abnormal wear and tear of the cartilage or bones.

  • Cervical radiculopathy: Damage to the cervical nerves or nerve roots due to a ruptured disk or degeneration of the bones, which applies pressure on the nerve roots. It leads to pain, weakness, or loss of sensation in the neck, arms, and shoulders.

What Are the Causes of Back Trauma?

Causes of back trauma include:

  • Sports injuries that occur during football, weight lifting, athletics, gymnastics, etc.

  • Physical workouts at the gym or during physical exercises at home.

  • Vehicle accidents may cause significant trauma to the back.

  • Sudden movement or a fall while working at home or in the garden, lifting heavy objects.

  • A blow or a knock, gunshot wounds on the back due to violence.

  • Muscle strain due to overuse or repetitive movements like twisting, turning, rotating, etc.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Back Trauma?

Some of the signs and symptoms include:

  • Pain and tenderness increase during coughing, sneezing or laughing.

  • Pain that may radiate to one or both legs.

  • A pop was heard at the time of injury.

  • Weakness or paralysis, or deformity in any area of the body.

  • Fever, muscle spasms, or cramps.

  • Swelling and bruises are present.

  • Difficulty in breathing.

  • Difficulty in urination and passing stools.

  • Numbness or pricking sensation in arms, legs, hands, and feet.

  • Stiffness of muscles, difficulty in walking, bending or standing straight.

What Are the Risk Factors That May Lead To Back Trauma?

  • Developmental disorders include scoliosis (side curvature of the spine), lordosis (inward curvature of the spine), and spina bifida (spinal column not developed properly).

  • Age-related diseases like osteoarthritis (inflammation of joints due to wear and tear of cartilage), osteoporosis (low bone density), disk degeneration (wear and tear of the intervertebral disk), and spondylosis (degeneration of the spine). Other conditions include kidney stones, tumors, fibromyalgia (severe muscle pain and tenderness), etc.

  • Occupation-related back injuries due to lifting heavy weights or industrial hazards.

  • Excessive body weight, inactive, or a desk job.

  • Improper posture, sitting or driving for long hours without proper back support.

  • Smoking can cause reduced blood supply and oxygen to the intervertebral disks, leading to the degeneration of disks.

  • Psychological disorders like depression, stress, anxiety, etc., may increase back pain.

What Are the Complications of Back Trauma?

Some of the complications due to back trauma include:

  • Injury to the spinal cord may cause loss of bowel and bladder control, resulting in urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or bladder stones.

  • Loss of sensation may also lead to pressure sores and inflammation.

  • Circulatory disturbances may occur due to spinal cord injuries resulting in the swelling of the extremities and an increased risk of developing blood clots.

  • Difficulty in breathing and risk of infections like pneumonia or other lung diseases.

  • Muscle flaccidity (lack of muscle tone) or muscle atrophy (wasting of muscles) may lead to obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

How Is Back Trauma Diagnosed?

A complete history is taken, followed by a physical examination. Mild muscle sprains and strains are diagnosed based on the history, symptoms, and physical examination. Severe fractures of the spinal cord require emergency treatment. After a thorough physical examination, the neurological status and anal muscle tone of the patient are assessed. Loss of bowel and bladder control may indicate a severe spinal nerve injury. A radiological examination is necessary in case of injuries, fractures, herniation of disks, or loss of function. It includes:

  • X-rays are recommended to determine the fracture location, type, and extent and rule out any developmental abnormalities.

  • Computed tomography (CT Scan) is preferred in some cases to confirm the diagnosis as it provides a high-resolution and clear image as compared to X- rays.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered the gold standard for diagnosing back injuries, herniated disks, and neurological diseases, as it helps detect soft tissue involvement.

How Is Back Trauma Managed?

Back trauma can be managed by conservative and surgical methods, depending on the cause and severity of the injury or the condition. Conservative management is carried out in cases of mild sprain, inflammation, and muscle spasms. It includes:

  • In mild to moderate pain cases, medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Naproxen, Acetaminophen, etc., and steroidal injections are administered in cases of severe pain and spondylolisthesis and cervical radiculopathy.

  • Cold or heat therapy may reduce pain, swelling, and muscle spasms.

  • Physical activities may be reduced, and bed rest is advised for a few days.

  • Yoga and physical exercises under proper guidance may be advised to prevent muscle atrophy.

Surgical management is required in severe fractures and herniated disks and is proven effective compared to non-surgical procedures. It includes:

  • Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty: Vertebroplasty is a procedure during which a fine needle is inserted into the vertebral body, and a glue-like bone cement is injected into the space, which hardens and strengthens to provide relief from pain. During kyphoplasty, before injecting the cement, a special balloon-like material is inserted, which is inflated, to restore the height and reduce the spinal deformity.

  • Discectomy: It is performed in cases of severe degeneration of the disks, wherein the degenerated disc is removed and replaced with an artificial disc.

  • Spinal Nerve Stimulation: In cases of injury to the spinal nerves, it is stimulated by using low-voltage electric impulses from an implanted device connected by a wire along the length of the spinal cord. These impulses are mainly designed to block the pain impulses sent to the brain.

  • Decompressive Laminectomy: This procedure is performed in cases of severe pain despite conservative therapy. It involves widening the spinal canal to provide more space for the nerves, spinal fusion is performed, or an implant device stabilizes the spinal cord, permitting normal movement.

  • Fracture of the Vertebrae: The management of vertebral fractures depends on the fracture pattern, nerve involvement, and associated injuries. Stable fractures are treated by bracing for around six to 12 weeks, and unstable fractures with nerve involvement, severe forward bending, and loss of vertebral height require surgical management. Laminectomy is performed, and the fracture is stabilized using metal rods and screws.

How Can Back Trauma Be Prevented?

  • Back injuries due to accidents may be prevented by driving safely and slowly and following instructions like wearing seatbelts, speed limits, etc.

  • Maintaining a proper posture with back support while sitting for long periods.

  • Installation of grab bars and non-slip mats, especially for elderly individuals and children.

  • Using safety gear and all precautionary measures during sports and practice sessions, and spotters in case of gymnastics.

  • Maintaining body weight by following a healthy diet and regular exercise.

  • Avoid smoking as it causes the reduced blood supply to tissues and organs.

  • Treatment of conditions like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis to prevent fractures.


Trauma to the back region may occur due to direct injuries, fractures, muscle sprains, degeneration of the intervertebral disks, or developmental disorders. It is associated with severe pain, inflammation, loss of function, and numbness. It needs to be managed appropriately to avoid further complications. Certain precautionary measures can be taken to avoid back trauma. It can be successfully treated by conservative and surgical management depending on the type and severity of the trauma.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Causes Recurring Episodes of Trauma?

Recurring episodes of trauma can be caused by various factors, including unresolved past traumas, triggering events or situations, and ongoing stressors. Trauma can create a cycle of emotional and physiological responses that can be reactivated, leading to recurring experiences. Additionally, the lack of effective coping mechanisms or support systems can contribute to the recurrence of traumatic episodes. It is important for individuals experiencing recurring trauma to seek professional help to address and process the underlying causes and develop effective strategies for healing and recovery.


Is There a Connection Between Lower Back Pain and Stored Trauma?

While there can be a connection between lower back pain and stored trauma, not all lower back pain is directly caused by trauma. Physical trauma, such as accidents or injuries, can result in structural damage to the back and contribute to chronic pain. However, lower back pain is caused by various other factors, including muscle strain, poor posture, or underlying medical conditions.


What Strategies Can Help Recover Lost Memories After Experiencing Trauma?

Recovering lost memories after experiencing trauma can be a complex and individualized process. Patients should approach this process with caution under the guidance of a qualified mental health professional specializing in trauma therapy. Strategies that can be helpful include trauma-focused therapy, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which aim to address and process traumatic memories. Creating a safe and supportive environment, practicing self-care, and utilizing techniques like journaling or creative expression may also aid in memory recovery.


How Can Someone Reintroduce Oral Sex into Their Life After a Traumatic Experience?

Reintroducing oral sex into one's life after a traumatic experience requires a sensitive and gradual approach. Communication and consent are paramount, both with oneself and with any partners involved. It is essential to prioritize one's emotional well-being and establish trust and comfort before engaging in any sexual activities. Seeking therapy or counseling to address the trauma and its impact on sexuality can be beneficial. Taking things at a safe and comfortable pace and utilizing relaxation techniques and open communication can help facilitate a positive and healing sexual experience.


How Much Physical Therapy Is Recommended for Blunt Force Trauma to the Back?

The recommended amount of physical therapy for blunt force trauma to the back can vary depending on the severity of the injury, individual factors, and the specific treatment plan prescribed by a healthcare professional. Typically, physical therapy sessions may range from a few weeks to several months, with a frequency of 1-3 sessions per week. The focus of therapy may involve pain management, strengthening exercises, flexibility training, and gradual reintegration into daily activities. 


How Long Does It Usually Take for Laryngeal Trauma to Heal and for the Voice to Return?

The healing time for laryngeal trauma and the return of the voice can vary depending on the severity and nature of the injury. In minor cases, such as vocal cord strains or small lesions, healing may occur within a few days to a few weeks with rest and vocal therapy. However, more severe injuries, such as vocal cord fractures or deep lacerations, may require several weeks to months for complete healing and voice recovery.


What Are Effective Ways to Alleviate Inflammation in the Lower Back Following Trauma?

There are several effective ways to alleviate inflammation in the lower back following trauma. A healthcare professional may recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to alleviate pain and inflammation. Engaging in gentle stretching and low-impact exercises with a physical therapist can help improve flexibility and reduce inflammation. Additionally, practicing good posture and using proper body mechanics can aid in alleviating inflammation in the lower back.


How Can One Rebuild Their Life After Experiencing Trauma?

Rebuilding one's life after experiencing trauma is a highly individualized and personal journey. It is essential to seek support from mental health professionals specializing in trauma therapy. Creating a strong support network of trusted friends and family members can provide emotional support during healing. Self-care activities, such as practicing mindfulness, hobbies, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can contribute to overall well-being. Setting realistic goals, seeking professional guidance, and being patient and compassionate with oneself are key strategies in rebuilding a fulfilling life after trauma.


What Could Be the Underlying Cause of Arm, Back, and Head Pain Following Trauma?

The underlying cause of arm, back, and head pain following trauma can vary depending on the specific circumstances and injuries involved. Common causes may include muscle strains, ligament sprains, nerve compression, spinal misalignment, or concussion-related symptoms. People should go to a concerned doctor, such as a physician or orthopedic specialist, for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. They can provide appropriate treatment options, which may include physical therapy, pain management techniques, medication, or other interventions tailored to the specific cause of the pain.


What Are Some Effective Methods for Resilience and Recovery After Trauma?

Resilience and recovery after trauma can be facilitated through various methods. Seeking professional therapy or counseling can provide a safe space to process emotions, develop coping strategies, and work through trauma-related issues. Engaging in self-care practices, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep, can support overall well-being. Connecting with supportive social networks, participating in support groups, or joining trauma-focused communities can provide a sense of understanding and validation. Additionally, incorporating stress reduction techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises can help build resilience and promote healing after trauma.


Do Bumps on the Back of the Skull Indicate Past Trauma?

Bumps on the back of the skull do not necessarily indicate past trauma. Bumps or irregularities on the skull can have various causes, such as natural variations in skull shape, genetic factors, or benign growths like osteomas. However, if there is a history of head trauma or concerns about a potential injury, a person should consult a doctor for a proper evaluation. They can assess the bumps, consider any associated symptoms, and order appropriate imaging or tests to determine the cause and provide appropriate guidance or treatment.


What Preventive Measures Can Be Taken to Avoid Chronic Back Pain After Trauma?

Several preventive measures can prevent chronic back pain after trauma. These include maintaining good posture, practicing proper body mechanics when lifting or carrying heavy objects, regular exercise to strengthen the back and core muscles, and avoiding activities that strain the back excessively. A person should know the emotional or psychological factors related to the trauma through therapy or counseling. Seeking prompt medical attention and following recommended treatment protocols after a traumatic incident can also help minimize the risk of chronic back pain.
Dr. Suman Saurabh
Dr. Suman Saurabh

Orthopedician and Traumatology


cervical radiculopathyback pain
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