HomeHealth articlesanticancer drugsDo’s and Don’ts While Taking Anticancer Drugs

Do’s and Don’ts While Taking Anticancer Drugs

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Taking matters into your own hands, particularly with anticancer drugs, can be dangerous. This article will help you understand what to expect and what to do and avoid while under treatment.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Ram Abhinav. K

Published At March 15, 2022
Reviewed AtMarch 7, 2023

What Are Anticancer Drugs?

Generally, the cells in our body grow and die in a predetermined and controlled way. But sometimes, certain changes in the cells' DNA makes them grow without control, resulting in a tumor or cancer. Anticancer drugs or chemotherapeutic drugs are used to stop these uncontrolled cells from multiplying. These drugs are available as pills to be taken orally or topical cream or injection. They kill the cancer cells, preventing them from spreading or slowing their growth. While this action is essential to shrink the tumor, the drugs can also harm healthy cells and result in various side effects. Depending on the type and amount of anticancer drugs administered and how the body reacts, the patient might show a lot or no side effects at all. Chemotherapy drugs are usually prescribed as part of an overall cancer treatment plan, and it may also include radiation therapy and surgery.

In cancer treatment, anticancer or chemotherapeutic drugs can be used:

  1. As a primary or only treatment to cure cancer.

  2. As an adjuvant therapy, these drugs are used after surgery or radiation therapy to kill the hidden or inoperable cancer cells.

  3. As neoadjuvant therapy, to shrink or reduce the size of the tumor before surgery or radiotherapy.

  4. As palliative therapy, to relieve signs and symptoms of cancer by killing a few cells.

How Do Anticancer Drugs Work?

The mode of action of chemotherapy drugs differ, and they work either by:

  • Killing both the healthy and cancer cells in the body.

  • Kill just the cancer cells.

  • Destroy or prevent the growth of blood vessels in tumors, resulting in cell death.

  • Destroy the genes in cancer cells, so they die and do not grow into new tumors.

What Are the Commonly Used Chemotherapeutic Drugs?

The commonly prescribed groups of chemotherapeutic drugs include:

1) Alkylating Agents - This group is the oldest type of anticancer drugs. They prevent cancer cells from multiplying by damaging the DNA of cancer cells. They are used in the treatment of leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, multiple myeloma, breast, and ovarian cancer. Cyclophosphamide, Carboplatin, Temozolomide, Cisplatin, and Melphalan are some examples of alkylating agents.

2) Antimetabolites - These drugs stop cancer cell growth by interfering with these cells' normal metabolism. They are commonly used to treat breast cancer, ovarian cancer, leukemia, and intestinal cancer. Examples of antimetabolites include 6-Mercaptopurine, 5-Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, and Gemcitabine.

3) Anthracycline - This type of chemotherapeutic drug attacks the enzymes that help the cancer cells to divide and grow. Actinomycin-D, Daunorubicin, and Bleomycin are the most commonly used Anthracycline chemotherapy drugs.

4) Topoisomerase Inhibitors - These drugs also work by attacking enzymes that help cancer cells grow. Lung cancer, ovarian cancer, intestinal cancer, and some types of leukemia are treated with the help of topoisomerase inhibitors. Teniposide, Etoposide, and Irinotecan are some examples.

5) Mitotic Inhibitors - These drugs stop the cancer cells from replicating and block the proteins that the cancer cells use to grow. They are commonly prescribed for lung and breast cancers, leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma. Some examples include Vinblastine, Docetaxel, and Paclitaxel.

6) Steroids - Drugs like Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone, and Dexamethasone are useful in treating various types of cancer.

What Are the Other Types of Anticancer Drugs?

Nowadays, various new types of anticancer drugs are being used, which includes:

  • Targeted Therapies - These drugs target specific proteins or genes that help cancer cells to grow and survive.

  • Hormone Therapy - This is commonly used to treat breast and prostate cancers that depend on sex hormones for growth.

  • Immunotherapy - These drugs help the immune system fight cancer naturally.

How to Take Anticancer Drugs the Right Way?

It is vital to wash your hands before and after taking anticancer drugs. Carefully take the pill from the leaflet or the bottle over the table to prevent it from falling on the floor. In case a family member or caregiver is giving you the pills, make sure they wear gloves while doing so. Always swallow the pill whole (the entire tablet) and do not crush or cut it. And if you vomit immediately after taking the anticancer drug, avoid taking another drug and immediately call your doctor.

Missing a Dosage - Missing or forgetting anticancer pills can worsen your condition, which is why it is crucial to take the drugs on time. Use drug dosette boxes, maintain a journal, calendar, or set the alarm on your smartphone to keep track.

While Traveling - Consult your doctor and confirm if you are fit enough to travel. Always carry your prescription and required medicines with you. You can also discuss with the doctor about getting a flu shot or other immunization, as they are usually contraindicated while on cancer treatment.

How to Care for Yourself While on Anticancer Drugs?

It is important to take care of yourself while on cancer treatment. Make it a point to listen to your body, and try to readjust your work and routine accordingly. If you can, continue doing your regular activities. As anticancer drugs can make you tired and weak, only do the things you can, surround yourself with family and friends, do not shy away from asking for help, and try to laugh and enjoy your life. The other important things include:

Nutrition - Eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet will give strength and energy while on treatment. Try to include protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, a lot of water, and fats in your diet. Eating right will help in recovery, avoid excessive weight loss, and improve your tolerance to treatment. It also decreases the risk of infection.

Exercise - Cancer treatment might make you feel extremely tired and drained of energy, and exercise will be the last thing you think about. But, doing some exercise and keeping as active as possible can help you feel better. Staying active improves physical abilities, improves balance, prevents fractures, improves circulation, lowers the risk of blood clots, and makes you feel more energetic. Always consult your doctor before deciding on doing any exercise.

Quit Smoking - Quitting smoking can make cancer treatments work effectively, reduce side effects, improve overall health, and reduce the time needed for recovery.

Alcohol - Avoid drinking alcohol while on treatment, as it may interact with your cancer medicines and can worsen your side effects.

How to Manage Common Side Effects of Anticancer Drugs?


  • Clean your hands thoroughly.

  • Do not go near people who are visibly sick.

  • Brush and floss your teeth to maintain oral hygiene.

  • Disinfect all surfaces you touch.

  • Do not eat raw meat and fish.

  • Wash fruits and vegetables properly.

  • Do not share your personal items with others.

Tiredness (Fatigue):

  • Take frequent breaks for 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Get help.

  • Try to remain as active as possible.

  • Consume foods rich in protein.

Nausea and Vomiting:

  • Avoid spicy and fried foods.

  • Consume a diet low on fats.

  • Talk to your doctor and get medications to prevent nausea.

  • Keep yourself distracted.

  • Eat small meals every few hours.

  • Eat slowly.

Bleeding or Bruising:

  • Avoid taking Aspirin and other drugs that affect blood clotting.

  • Use ultrasoft brushes to prevent gum injury.

  • Use lubricants during sex.

  • Consume a fiber-rich diet to prevent constipation.

  • And be careful while using a knife or razor.

Hair Loss:

  • Avoid coloring your hair during treatment.

  • Use mild shampoos.

  • Use a soft and wide-toothed comb.

  • Do not use hair straighteners or curlers, or blow dryers.

Dry Mouth:

  • Chewing gums and sugar-free candy might help.

  • You can use artificial saliva products.

Skin and Nail Changes:

  • Use cream and moisturizing lotions.

  • Wear loose clothing and footwear.

  • Use sunscreen.

  • Cold gel gloves or slippers can be used to protect nails.


Your treatment experience can be made better by sharing about how these drugs are affecting you with your doctor. Inform the doctor about all side effects as soon as they develop so that appropriate changes can be made to the treatment plan. For more information, consult a doctor online now.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Safety Measures Should Be Employed While Receiving Chemotherapy?

Precautions must be taken during chemotherapy to reduce the risk of infection and other side effects. Patients should exercise good hygiene, including washing their hands and avoiding contact with sick people. They should also take precautions to limit their exposure to bacteria and viruses, such as avoiding busy areas, wearing protective clothing outdoors, and avoiding eating uncooked or raw food. To help their bodies combat chemotherapy's negative effects, patients should drink plenty of fluids, consume a healthy diet, and get adequate rest. To achieve the best results, it is crucial to adhere to the treatment plan and show up for all scheduled appointments with the healthcare professional.


What Activities Should You Do and Avoid After Chemotherapy?

For chemotherapy, looking after your body for a speedy recovery is critical. Do's include drinking plenty of water, eating a balanced diet, and getting adequate sleep. It's crucial to let your healthcare professional know about any symptoms or worries you have. On the other hand, some don'ts include keeping away from alcohol and cigarettes, avoiding being close to sick people, and keeping away from exposure to extremely hot or cold conditions. It's crucial to abide by any specific instructions or recommendations from your healthcare professional.


How Can the Side Effects of Anti-Cancer Drugs Be Minimized?

One can take certain steps, including maintaining a good diet, exercise routine, getting adequate sleep, and keeping hydrated to lessen the adverse effects of anticancer medications. Tell the doctor about illnesses or medications you are taking because it may alter how your body responds to chemotherapy. Anti-nausea medications and stress-relieving exercises may lessen some adverse effects. Finally, keep lines of communication open with healthcare professionals.


What Time Is Best to Take Cancer Pills?

Experts in medicine say that the ideal time to take cancer therapy varies depending on the drug and the patient's demands. Taking some cancer drugs in the morning and others at night depends on the drug. To maintain constant blood levels, it's crucial to adhere to the prescribing physician's instructions and take the prescription at the same time each day. Patients should seek assistance from their healthcare professionals if they encounter any side effects or have questions about when to take their prescriptions.


What Food Should You Eat After Chemotherapy?

 - Lean Protein - Foods rich in protein, such as chicken, fish, and beans, can aid in the rebuilding and repair of cells that have been damaged by chemotherapy.
 - Whole Grains - Foods made from whole grains, such as quinoa, brown rice, and whole-grain bread, are rich in vitamins and minerals that can boost recovery and restore energy.
 - Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients that can support the immune system and hasten the healing process.
 - Healthy Fats - Foods like avocado, almonds, and olive oil are good sources of healthy fats that can help heal wounds and reduce inflammation.
Water - To assist in flushing out toxins and staying hydrated following chemotherapy, it is imperative to consume enough water.


After Chemo, Can I Wash My Hair?

After chemotherapy, you can indeed wash your hair. However, it's crucial to hold off until the right moment. As chemotherapy might leave your scalp more sensitive and prone to infection, your doctor will advise you when it is safe to start shampooing your hair again. Use gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners on your hair, and avoid harsh chemicals and styling aids that can harm it. To prevent further scalp irritability, consider using a soft, non-abrasive towel or a hair dryer in a low-heat setting.


What Are Typical Adverse Reactions to Anticancer Drugs?

 - Hair loss,
 - Nausea and vomiting.
 - Diarrhea and constipation.
 - Skin changes.
 - Fatigue.
 - Mouth sores.
 - Increased risk of infections.
 - Decreased appetite.
 - Mood swings.
 - Difficulty sleeping.
 - Allergic reactions.


Is Chemotherapy Required for Stage One Cancer?

Generally speaking, stage one cancer is the first stage of the disease, during which the cancer cells are contained to the primary site and have not yet disseminated to other organs or tissues. Surgery, radiation therapy, or a combination of the two may be used to treat stage one cancer, depending on the type of cancer and other factors. For some cancers, chemotherapy may be advised, but it is not usually required for cancer at the stage one. Instead, a group of medical experts decides on the course of therapy after considering the patient's medical background, the type and stage of their cancer, and other criteria.


Can Cancer Be Healed Without Chemotherapy?

It is important to remember that cancer treatments are based on the patient, stage, and characteristics. While chemotherapy is frequently used to treat various cancer types, alternative therapies like surgery, radiation, and targeted therapy may also be suggested. Additionally, complementary and alternative therapies may be employed in addition to conventional medical procedures. Finally, depending on the type and severity of cancer, some cancers can be cured without chemo.


Is It Possible to Lead a Regular Life After Chemo?

After chemotherapy, it is possible to lead a usual life. The degree to which one can resume their regular activities depends on several variables, including their general state of health, the stage and severity of their disease, and the treatment they underwent. Following chemotherapy, the body may need some time to heal, and there may still be some lasting side effects like fatigue, nausea, and hair loss. But many people can return to their regular activities, jobs, and hobbies with the proper assistance, care, and follow-up doctor visits.


Which Cancers Cannot Be Healed?

Some cancers are often harder to cure and have poorer survival rates, like pancreatic and brain cancer. Options for treatment rely on several variables, such as the type and stage of cancer, age, general health, and personal preferences. However, the odds of survival and disease management are greatly improved by early detection and rapid treatment.


Which Cancer Has the Greatest Rate of Recurrence?

The chance of a cancer recurrence varies depending on the type of cancer. For example, bladder and lung cancer have some of the highest recurrence rates among the most prevalent cancers. However, it's crucial to remember that every case is different and that recurrence rates might vary significantly.


Does Chemotherapy Hurt?

There are several potential side effects of chemotherapy, some of which might be painful. But not all chemotherapy patients experience pain, and the degree of side effects varies based on the person, the particular medications used, and other circumstances. In addition, various techniques and drugs are available to effectively control pain and other side effects of chemotherapy.


How Long Will Chemotherapy Prolong Life?

Depending on the type and stage of cancer and personal characteristics like age and general health, chemotherapy can prolong a person's life for varying lengths. To choose the most appropriate course of treatment for each unique circumstance, it is crucial to explore chemotherapy's potential advantages and disadvantages with a healthcare professional.


What Is the Cost of Chemotherapy?

Depending on the type of cancer being treated, the cancer stage, the length of treatment, the type of medications used, the location of the treatment facility, and the patient's health insurance coverage, the cost of chemotherapy can vary significantly. According to the American Cancer Society, one chemotherapy treatment costs between $10,000 and $15,000. However, some procedures might be very expensive. As a result, chemotherapy can cost anywhere from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
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Dr. Ram Abhinav. K
Dr. Ram Abhinav. K

Medical oncology


anticancer drugs
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