Chest pain when deep breathing

Dr. Albana Greca., MD, MMEDSC

Medical Case Details:


A 36-year-old female patient presented with a recent history of chest pain around the sternum area on breathing. She suffered from flu before a week with a bit of nasal congestion and dry cough. May I know the suggestions? Thank you.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.



Dr. Potnuru Srinivaasa Sudhakar
Homeopathic Physician

It may be pleurisy, it is due to inflammation of coverings over the lungs. Here the patient feels sharp pain when breath, and cough, sneeze also present, causes of pleuritic chest pain are bacterial or viral infections, pulmonary embolism, and pneumothorax.

19.Feb, 08:59pm

Dr. Jadhav Yatish Anant

A case of Costochondritis

23.Feb, 09:14pm

Dr. Geethu Thomas
Family Physician

Please rule out GERD as well.

01.Mar, 06:58pm

Dr. Budde Srinivas
Family Physician

It may be costochondritis case

01.Mar, 09:44pm

Dr. Sumit Goyat
Family Physician

Most likely costocondritis after acute viral illness. See for point tenderness.

02.Mar, 06:30am

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

It is the form of musculoskeletal pain.
Excess dry cough can lead muscular strain and so pain.
Hot compress can be applied.
If Auscultation suspicious than only further work up in form of chest x ray needed.

04.Mar, 12:14am

Dr. Hossam Saad Mohamed Etman
General Practitioner

Diffrential diagnosis of this case is :-
muscloskeletal pain (costocondritis )
chest infection
to diffrentiate you need proper history talking and close examination .

04.Mar, 07:30pm

Dr. Sanjib Kumar Sahu

Pleuritic pain.

04.Mar, 10:30pm

Dr. Muhammad Sareer Khalil
General Practitioner

Pericarditis should be ruled out. An ekg should be done to look for typical changes associated with it. A cardiac cause can also be additionally ruled out.

14.Mar, 12:33am

Dr. Abrar A Khan
Family Physician

Pleuritic chest pain or local costochondritis. Auscultation and local tenderness on examination will make it clearer.

27.Mar, 07:10pm

Dr. Pankaj Jawandhiya

Tietz syndrome

10.Apr, 01:08am

Dr. Aida Abaz Quka


It seems to be a musculo-skeletal pain. But it is necessary to differentiate between chostocondritis and a possible pleuritis.
For this reason, it is necessary performing some tests:

- a chest X ray study
- a phenicocostal recess ultrasound for the presence of fluid
- complete blood count, PCR, sedimentation rate for inflammation.

If the pain is triggered by pressure on the chest, especially in the lower sternum, the diagnosis of chostocondritis is more probable.
Kind regards,
Dr. Aida

07.May, 01:53am

Dr. Mohammad Abdallah Elsad Asran

If there is local tenderness it will be chostochodritis most probably .
treatment short course corticosteroid, local analgesic and antinflamtory

27.Jul, 04:41pm

Dr. Amiya Kumar Chattopadhyay

Pain around sternum following dry cough secondary to flu is due to costochondritis.
Symptomatic treatment like anti-inflammatory analgesic, application analgesic ointment will suffice.
It may take 2-3 weeks to subside.
Reassure the patient that it is noncardiac.

28.Sep, 03:36pm

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