Foreign body in children


Medical Case Details:

In Emergency,Removed Foreign body Plastic pellet(Pellet Gun) from Nostril(nose cavity)of 4year old child,

Luckily i could remove it from Depth of Nasal cavity without slipping it in Wind pipe..

Child was uncomfortable with nasal discharge..
Message to all parents- Avoid giving hard nuts,seeds,groundnut,gram(chana) to children especially below 2years..

Avoid toys containing small pellets(moti), battery(flat disc,button cell or pencil battery), small screws,mechanical nut,magnets,coins..

All Children are not lucky enough,some may land up in major life threatening surgery(Bronchoscopy,Thoracoscopy,or open Chest surgery sometimes)

Stay Safe,Keep your Children Safe=O..


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Dr. Manu Chandarashekhara Bharadwaj
Pediatric Surgeon

Good job Dr Shabbir.
Spherical foreign body, slips easily - difficult to catch hold and remove. Delicate job expertly handled.
Did you do it under GA or was it done while the child was awake?

16.Jun, 10:03pm

Dr. Manu Chandarashekhara Bharadwaj
Pediatric Surgeon

Good job Dr Shabbir.
Spherical foreign body, slips easily - difficult to catch hold and remove. Delicate job expertly handled.
Did you do it under GA or was it done while the child was awake?

16.Jun, 10:03pm

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