Consulting Languages:
English, Malayalam, Tamil

Exp: 13 Yrs.

Helped 3000 patients.


Academics & Training

BDS from Jkk Nataraja Dental College And Hospital

Professional Bio

Dr. Vinodhini J. is a Dental Surgeon who has worked as a Dentist in a private clinic in a rural area for the past eight years. She completed her BDS from JKK Nataraja Dental College, Komarapalayam, and has 13 years of clinical experience.


Awards & Publications

Dr. Vinodhini J. has received certifications in Minor Periodontal Surgical Procedures.


For In-Person Consultation

Sugam Dental Clinic

85, Athur Main Road, Ayothiapatinam., Salem, Tamil Nadu, Zip: 636014, IN