Consulting Languages:
English, Bengali, Urdu

Exp: 10 Yrs.

Helped 50 patients.


Academics & Training

MBBS from Sharif Medical And Dental College,lahore

Professional Bio

Dr. Abeer is a Family physician and a General Practitioner with 10 years of clinical experience and graduated from Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore, in 2013. She completed her clinical internship in five departments, namely Internal medicine, General Surgery, Nephrology, Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Anesthesiology. After that, she taught Anatomy and Forensic sciences in two Medical Colleges in Pakistan for one year. Then she moved to the USA in 2016. She works as a Medical Tutor at and an online clinician at Sehat Kahani, Karachi, Pakistan.


Awards & Publications

Dr. Abeer attended Mental health first aid, Connecticut, in the USA (2017). She has also attended a Basic first aid course and Medical workshops to her credit.


For In-Person Consultation

Sehat Kahani

Karachi, Pakistan, Karachi, Sindh, Zip: 60000, PK